There were a few things that Oswyn really disliked in this world and in the real one. Things like the title of [color=662d91]<>[/color], and people like Hikaru who let power go right to their head and think the world owes them everything. Oswyn wasn't very fond of Hikaru to begin with. The guy was a little sketchy and like a few in the guild, a pervert.. Or that's just how he saw it anyway. It was only a matter of time before he was brought to trial for something. It was quite unsurprising that it was for murder, to Oswyn that is. And how many proceedings go, persecutors start shouting at the persecuted and then the persecutor dies.. [color=662d91][i]Wait What?[/i][/color] Things were starting to get a little out of hand. Oswyn merely watched as shock spread through the hall, although all he could think of at the time was what he usually said to his guild-mates, [color=662d91]"I can't heal dead people."[/color] He wasn't really close with Fenixrite to begin with. The guy's fondness for Phoenix Wright games were a little too.. overwhelming. Hence the guy's name. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light. Unfortunately for Oswyn, he wasn't really listening out for someone to tell him to cover his eyes, thus he was blinded. He looked at his HUD whilst everything was white. [b]Status: <>[/b], Of course being [color=662d91]<>[/color], he carried a large stock of potions and crystals with him at all times. Getting an Status Cure potion out of his inventory was second nature to him, he could do it with his eyes closed. Or in this case, blinded. It was still a pain in the ass. He crushed the antidote in his hand, triggering his [b]<>[/b] breaker. However, when his sight had been restored, he noticed a debuff suddenly begin to spread through the group. [b]<>[/b]. People started turning on each other, he wondered why, but he didn't have enough time to think about it before he was suddenly hit by a blunt force that sent him sprawling across the floor. Oswyn recovered quickly, jumping back onto his feet, only to see three players standing before him. He didn't know who they were, since they were still wearing the <>. "I caught me a Doctor!" One of them laughed stupidly. Seemed that he had a shield on him, which meant that he most likely shield bashed Oswyn in the back. How they knew it was him was a mystery. "Yeah! He crushed a potion in his hand! It's definitely him!" another said. [color=662d91][i]'Oops, my bad.'[/i][/color] He thought as he pulled off his Regent. He didn't like it anyway. [color=662d91]"Okay, you caught me. Now what?"[/color] He responded blankly, raising his hands as if he was surrendering. "Now, we kill you!", [color=662d91][i]'You've got to be joking.'[/i][/color] [color=662d91]"What for?"[/color] "Because.. Uh.. Y-you.. Uhm.. You hog all the potions materials!" He shouted after stuttering more than he should've. How convincing. Such a stunning reason. [color=662d91]"I'd understand if you said that I let your friend die. Which I probably did. But, killing me for that reason? That's really dumb. You should probably re-evaluate your decisions."[/color] He retorted, completely unimpressed with what he had to deal with. He didn't fight people unless he had to. He was effectively a healer and nothing else, it was pretty disadvantageous to kill him. [color=662d91]"But since you're affected by <>, you probably don't care about what I have to say. So I'll be leaving you with a nice 'going away' present."[/color] He said as he retrieved three potions from his inventory. The potions began to glow for a moment as he charged up a shot, he flicked his wrist, letting the small bottles fly out of his hand. Each bottle crashed into the heads of his foes with deadly precision, immediately disintegrating into small pixels. The three stooges immediately crumpled to the ground, their bodies completely limp, save for the twitching. "W-what did.. y-you do to us?!" One of them spluttered, unable to move his face away from the floor. [color=662d91]"Well, my diagnosis would be that you're all paralyzed. Isn't that great? You're not going to die, but you'll be like this for a long time. I'd say about.. Hmm.. two hours? Maybe five? I've already forgotten how strong they were. What a pity. It'll be way passed bed time before you can get back up."[/color] Oswyn said rather nonchalantly. Perhaps he was mad after all. And with that, he strolled away from the disabled bunch as he brought out a teleport crystal. The doctor took a good look around him. Nothing but angry people and fighting. Perhaps he shouldn't leave just yet, he might miss out on something interesting if he did. Pocketing his crystal, he walked over to where Hikaru, Nyx and... another Hikaru stood. As he approached them, he heard one of the Hikaru's making weird noises and generally being an idiot. It must be Noya. [color=662d91]"Somehow I don't think this is really the time to be doing that, Noya."[/color] Oswyn commented as he joined the three. He understood the humour of it though, but taunting a psycho like Hikaru wasn't going to help anyone. [center][b][@Volenvradica][@OneWayOut][@Grey] // Spoonsful of Sugar Given: 3[/b][/center]