[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/CgYSTz8.png[/img] [img]http://cdn.collider.com/wp-content/uploads/sin-city-jessica-alba-slice.jpg[/img] [b][color=#b53389]Location:[/color][/b] Upstairs by the VIP Lounge → In front of Everyone near the main dance floor, above the DJ → VIP Lounge [b][color=#b53389]Interacting with:[/color][/b] Herself → [color=yellow][b]Everyone[/b][/color] → Catalyst (Leonardo Hart Jr., Vince's older brother) [b][color=0076a3]Giovanni interacts with:[/color][/b] Will & Eliana [sub][@smarty0114][/sub] → Everyone [b][color=#b53389]Ready for a good night → Blissful and doing what she loves to do (Dance) → Withdrawn[/color][/b] [/center] [hr] [indent]Leaning against the railing from the outside of the VIP lounge room, peering down at the pool and the dance floor, Gianna watched like a hawk at all the club goers losing their inhibitions. She held a glass of a mysterious, florescent blue liquid, as she waited for more... students to arrive. She received a drunk text from Jenna about her convincing Eliana to 1) wear an outfit she isn't use to and 2) drink more than she is use to. The young Lovelace could be of use to the Delphina Sovereign, especially since her older sister was as unyielding as they came. Her puppy had a hard task at hand, but with the help of the younger Lovelace, perhaps they could make faster leaps on converting Eliana to their side. Gianna didn't need Eliana but the future prospects... were delightful. Her actions weren't just for a petty school war, though let's be honest, the chaos of it all made the young students show more passion than they would have if they were just "studying". Having someone who won't take no for an answer, like her, wouldn't be a bad investment. Jenna may be young but she knows what she's doing and she harbors ill feelings that have yet to come to surface. Luckily the incident from earlier, with the rich 'princess' Sylvia, that left bruises on Gianna's body could easily be solved with waterproof makeup. She had received a request from the family (there wasn't a first name on the letter, it only had "Hart" written at the bottom) to use her talents to intrigue the party goers, including her powers to enhance the... ecstasy. Before she would change into a less showy [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/46/da/b9/46dab9761e5b75810da14f510178da6b.jpg]outfit[/url], since tonight was one of those nights she wanted to stay on the sidelines after her performance, she wore high black stilettos and a black [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ae/c1/2b/aec12b34b5e40c2c77e888d6e9a40d04.jpg]leotard[/url] that made her ass pop. She knew once she was on the ground floor and by the main star pole, near the dance floor, most of her guests would be here, including the one's that didn't receive an invitation. She saw Avalon dancing with people and could only assume that she was looking for her. Then there was Will, who sat at the bar with Eliana [sub](Eliana will officially get to the bar at the end of my collab with Legion and Vicious)[/sub]. Gianna wasn't one to hide. If they wanted to find her, they would. From what Jenna has told Gianna (or well "Lucas") about Eliana, Will would be in for a treat. Little Miss Ellie wouldn't be the same girl tonight, especially with some [i]assistance[/i] with the masses. This club belonged to villains. They ran this place and heroes were all the more welcomed to join in on the sinful pleasures. Tonight would be a night for fun. Whether the heroes liked it or not, they would not disrupt her happy place with the school's feud. That is another reason why she accepted to dance in front of everyone, because her influence would help everyone push their worries and most importantly, duties aside. Tonight was a night for mistakes, regrets, and bad romances, and the Villainess would make sure of it. This was her late boyfriend's family's establishment, if people wanted to duke it out, they better take it outside. [h3] - 9:30 pm - [sup]Ideally, after everyone has arrived.[/sup][/h3] By the dance floor, near the large HD TVs, the lights went completely dark and [url=https://ninjatune.net/images/news/6151-main.jpg]DJ Predator[/url], a guy who didn't show any of his face, left to be a mystery to the world, gave Giovanni the 'okay' to make an announcement by bringing the music volume low. Giovanni, who was a distance away from the main dance floor, pressed a button on his ear piece that was also used as a mic. He glanced at Will and Eliana. Eliana gave him, yes the older bartender, a flirtatious stare, while she chatted with her scrawny friend. Before talking into his headset, Giovanni scribbled on a napkin "You should drink more" and placed a tequila shot on it (hiding the message) with a piece of lemon beside it. He pushed it toward Will. This was not an offer. If Gio gave you a drink on the house, you accepted that shit. He even made a cherry bomb for Eliana that went well with her daring [url=http://65.media.tumblr.com/632e9be7f3c08509fa733051d286c26a/tumblr_nzs0lspppU1usetubo1_1280.jpg]dress[/url]. He had already told the gorgeous, young lady she was going to be the talk of the night with the way she looked, which made her grace him with such an adorable blush. He was looking forward to how tonight would end, with all eyes on her. DJ Predator, as far as regulars were concerned, was a mute, and the best DJ in the East Coast (Bailey/Banshee could only wish to aspire to be him). Part of what made Delirium incredibly appealing to the masses was visitors, even regulars, knew hardly anything about the staff members or even the 'Familia'. The Harts did have a notorious reputation but they were good at cleaning their messes and although you may know about some of their deeds, the only way to learn about the person is if you met them up close and personal. Leonardo Hart Sr. liked the appeal of filtering information and feeding his fans a little at the time. While Lucio Hart Sr. was in the limelight of Hollywood, he and his family in New York would take care of things in the [i]shadows[/i]. The only person that anyone seemed to know anything about when it came to the staff of Delirium was Giovanni, the personable bartender. He was the face and served the Hart's like family. Delirium was his baby. [color=0076a3]"Lucky you for finding out about tonight. You all know we're always open during the weekend but it takes a true and loyal Delirium customer to find out any other days. The Harts send their regards. As always, we expect you to... [i]forget yourself[/i]."[/color] He gave a calm chuckle and a seductive wink toward Eliana. Giovanni's voice was dark and alluring. His dulcet tone embraced the air like the evening perfume of night flowers, smooth with rich flow. [color=0076a3]"Out of request from a family member, we would like to start the night with a favored guest's performance. This wouldn't be the first time you've seen her work her magic. Creatures of the night, I give you... Gianna Daniels."[/color] The colors of Delirium turned a burning red and the HD TVs displayed the inferno that was hell. The platform hovering over the DJ stand, which was customized specifically for tonight, with a long dancing pole at the center of a massive metal circle rested Gia, who had her eyes closed and her legs gracefully wrapped around the pole high in the air. Here is how her performance went: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nncKE12Ni4s]Gia's dance[/url]. The dance itself was mesmerizing, no one could take their eyes off of her. The sudden effects of actual fire made the crowd jump, but they were still in wonder and awe, having no idea that Gianna was slowly but surely filling the room with the drug that was her scent. Her faint ghost-like wings could not be seen. Everyone would still have a choice, but their urges would be enhanced and hard to fight. She wasn't forcing anyone to do anything, she couldn't even if she tried. Gia wasn't a mind controller, all she did was affect the body (one's pheromones). Due to how big Delirium was the effects of her performance would hide the illusion of her emotion-manifested wings. She simply wanted people's moods to be positive and their minds more willing to let their guard down and have fun. Fire. Her performance was on fire. Everything about Gianna was hot, dangerous, overwhelming, and smoldering as that of fire. She was capable of igniting emotions within others that they never thought they'd ever experience because she herself was as fierce as the consuming flames that burned her school to the ground. Once her performance came to a close and she laid on the floor, facing away from her audience, the dancer vanished right in front of their eyes as a dark mist surrounded her and carried her back to the VIP lounge, away from their sight. Placing her down on the metal flooring outside of the private lounge, the [url=http://38.media.tumblr.com/9d1767f3b261f798b371e6d7212d0f98/tumblr_mtp2zum96d1snpph7o1_500.png]heir[/url] to the Hart's legacy, transformed back to his human form, "[color=Darkslategray]Beautiful as ever, Psyche.[/color]" "[color=#b53389]You're pretty handsome yourself, Catalyst. Your wife is one lucky woman.[/color]" She brushed herself off and stared up at the man, who would have been her brother-in-law if Vince were still alive. He lit a cigar before replying. "[color=Darkslategray]Debatable. I'd say I'm the lucky one because she would kill me.[/color]" His lips curved into a smirk as he thought of his beloved, "[color=Darkslategray]That's one hell of a woman right there.[/color]" They both leaned on the railing and watched as the club was brought to a whole new high. The colors returned to shades of blue and everyone was ready to let their wild beast out. "[color=Darkslategray]How you been holding up?[/color]" "[color=#b53389]I'm fine. You know better than most I can take care of myself.[/color]" He took his cigar and placed it in between his lips as he nodded, "[color=Darkslategray]Of course. I'm still glad you have people looking after you.[/color]" His gaze searched through the crowd for Gianna's friends, taking heavy puffs of his addiction. "[color=Darkslategray]The moment we admit we are weak is the moment we fall. Just know... you're still family to us. Don't hesitate to give us a call. Vince really did love you.[/color]" His phone beeped uncontrollably and in response, he grumbled (never a moment to himself), "[color=Darkslategray]In my family, my wife's the boss. I'll catch you later, Daniels.[/color]" And with that, Leonardo Hart Jr. disappeared into the darkness of the club. For a long moment, Gianna kept silent, just staring down at the party. Her gaze was distant, her expression was detached. After observing everything she needed to see, she slipped into the lounge to change into more appropriate clothes. [/indent]