[@Raineh Daze][@Natsu][@Rune_Alchemist][@Vocab] Seth had followed close to the group as they made their way to the girls address arriving on the street she lived with short time since it was only a few blocks away. The boy looked around trying to tell which building was the girls address before spotting a young girl who matched the description of the girl who Makiko received the job from. Seth looked at the other group members not wanting to be the one who initially had to approach the girl due to his more quiet nature, his eyes first gazed over to Shina who though amusing to see the girls reaction to the Oni approaching her it was probably not the best choice. He then turned his gaze over to Akio who had been approached by someone, a girl wearing a kimono who seemed somewhat familiar, wait she was the one who had approached him a few weeks back asking for blood for some of the other races that need it within the Imaginary district. Seth would of said yes to her since her work was fairly well known among other humans within the district but his somewhat shy nature around new people made him too anxious to accept and he had told her he was busy at that moment. Feeling confident that Akio would be okay around the girl especially since Shina was sort of acting as his guardian deity and as away to not have to deal with being asked to donate anything again Seth left the group and approached the girl and introduced himself "Hi, I am from the Miura Youth Organisation here about your missing cat, would it be alright if I ask you a few questions to help us in our search?" He calmly asked masking his shy side hoping he could get some nice easy answers from the girl but given her age he was not going to completely trust the information if it sounded a bit too far far-fetched. [@VitaVitaAR]