[@Aspen Wren][@KuramaaaZ] [center][h3][color=ff8800]Asmund Gjanarsson[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] Asmund caughed. The mixture of ash and dirt had hit him right when he had been taking another breath. It took quite a bunch of seconds for him to get his respiration calm enough to speak again. [color=ff8800]"I'm feeling quite a bit fed up with this. If you would allow..."[/color] The gifted didn't ask for a response. It might very well be that Laurel was able to stop Vlad, but Asmund knew that he was a different case. The huge man hauled himself towards to charred remains of the tree that had collapsed in front of them. His shirt was very wide, but the moment he tensed his almost inhumanly looking heap of muscle, it was clear that he needed every inch of it. There was no groaning or anything else that would indicate that he was putting himself under a particular amount of strain. After all, he was currently wearing Megingjörð. It was more like a gentle behemoth slowly pushing an obstacle out of the way when Asmund lifted one end of the trunk and turned it by 90 degrees around the other end still lying on the ground. [color=ff8800]"And here we go..."[/color] Quickly, he had his arm around Vlad's waist and lifted him as if he weighed nothing. [color=ff8800]"If I see any indication of fire originating from you now I'll break your arm. Believe me I can do that..."[/color] Now he turned his attention towards Laurel and started walking slowly along a path that would lead him and Vlad around her current position. [color=ff8800]"I would appreciate it if you accepted it as a solution that I will try and take our mage here..."[/color] - he hooked in the strange hammer in his belt and started stroking through Vlad's red hair gently - [color=ff8800]"to a boat and head out into the lake. Water should be a quite robust training target for fiery magic, shouldn't it ?"[/color]