Elise gently pulled out her watch, and gripped onto the book, and looked at her cousin. She gently reached over and squeezed Mary's free hand for a moment, before the time ticked and the portkey activated. She felt the gut wrenching sensation of being taken from where she was standing to a brand new place, across the ocean and the dropped in the lobby of l’Hotel Déguisé, and on the floor. She had tried to land on her feet, but as she had landed, somehow her foot had ended up elsewhere than where she had wanted. She pulled herself and her luggage off the floor and helped Mary up as well. She looked around the room and saw Will, Beck, Darren, Ross, Kyle and Siobhan, and it looked like the rest of their little group was there. No one else was joining them as far as Elise knew. She did frown a bit as she saw that Will had gone up to the desk and had signed in for them, and soon got up and signed herself in. She had noticed that their luggage had vanished, but given that this was a wizard run hotel, it had probably been put in their rooms for them. She followed the porter to their room, and luckily since she was towards more of the front of the group, she stopped before she could bump into anyone else. She looked around and took one of the room keys and went to open the door for the room she'd be sharing, luckily with her beloved cousin. Sure, she could have shared it with one of the other two girls, but she and Beck hadn't really been on great terms in a bit, and she barely knew Siobhan. Sure, that was part of the trip, to get to know other people, but... for the first part, she'd rather be roomed with someone she knew she would get along with. She knew that they would be meeting up with their guide in time, so they had a little bit to unwind and unpack if they wanted. She flopped out on the bed for a moment and let out a long breath. "I really should have focused on French more... god I am going to be so lost for the week we'll be here." She sighed as she looked up at the ceiling. She was still a bit overwhelmed that she was actually here, in France. She rolled over and looked at Mary and smiled a bit. "Are you excited, or still a bit off from the portkey?"