Name: [url=]Mary Guarder[/url] Super Alias: Dryad Age: 19 Power(s): Grow and manipulate plants, accelerate decay Genes: Light manipulation, life manipulation Super Suit Specifics: Made from natural fibers and ceramic armor, so as not to interfere with her powers. It contains a series of capillaries which feed a mix of hydroponic chemicals to the seeds she plants in the suit, allowing her to grow various kinds of plants from her suit on demand. It, of course, contains a tracking device and a communicator. Skills: Tracking, biology, hydroponics, first aid Personality: She wants to live up to her parent's legacy as super heroes, but she's not the biggest stickler for the law. She likes helping people, but doesn't always agree with others on the best way to do that. Biography: Her grandmother was a great super hero in the 60s, until she learned about the downside of her body's regenerative powers. She became the first verified example of human primogenesis, and later gave birth to a child that was genetically identical to herself. When her fans found out that she was pregnant, most of them were disappointed in her and turned against her. She decided to raise her daughter under her secret identity, telling everyone that she was a widow. She took time off for a few years, but rejoined the super hero game when her daughter was five. When her powers first manifested, Mary's mother deactivate her mother's powers, seeing that her mother's powers kept her away. She gained the power to manipulate the manifestation of powers themselves, a different power that her mother's, despite being genetically identical. After her mother convinced her to reactivate her powers, she started to want a different power so that she could join her mother, to spend more time with her, even as a sidekick. That was when her power caused her to manifest a second power, the self-healing powers of her mother, though not her mother's ability to heal others. She fought alongside her mother for years until her mother died when she was eighteen, the victim of disintegration via doomsday laser. She worked with another super by the name of Simon J. Paladino, aka Gazerbeam, to take down the villain who had killed her mother. When the supers were forced to disappear, she was dating Gazerbeam, and they considered getting married and settling down together. When she decided to continue hero work illegally and he decided to fight within the legal system for the rights of supers they broke up, with Mary's mother not telling him that she was pregnant. Mary's life was fairly ordinary, save the point in her childhood where she was helping her mother in the flower garden and instinctively made her plant grow with her glowing hands. Her mother convinced her to hide her powers, though they always had plenty of food without having to buy any thanks to a few pots of soil in the basement. A few years ago, when her mother told her who her father was and that he had been killed by a super villain, she decided to go and fight crime, for both her dead father that she never knew and her mother that had given up on being a hero. Mary's secret identity grows hydroponic vegetables and sells them in the city. Equipment/possessions: A collection of seeds and plant specimens for around the world, a cell phone, a wallet, and some basic clothes