[@LuckyBlackCat] [center][h1][img]http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab20/XxKayla36xX/Sulleykaar%20-%201.png[/img][/h1][/center] [color=9e0b0f][i]'Nothing planned, huh? Perfect time to learn abit bout what I'm up against I suppose.[/i][/color] A twitch to the side of his mouth. He nodded after taking a gulp from his drink and leaned back again. Good to know she wasn't busy. He listened to her story, chuckling at the notion of a coven of healers gaining one bad egg. [color=9e0b0f]"So a coven of healers, a coven of peace gained a witch of chaos. Hmhmhmhm. Its amusing."[/color] He held a thin smile before letting out a plume of smoke from his nose. His smile ceased as he glanced over at the rest of the patrons in the café. [color=9e0b0f]"So when did your magic first manifest? What was the catalyst? Some gain it through emotions, some life or death experiences, some even just get them. Everyone is different. Naturally I just gained them but I was lucky enough to also be prodigal in magic so that helped drastically."[/color] He looked down to the side, looking back to his past. The red dragon remained like that for a moment before sitting straight up again. [color=9e0b0f]"So If your dedicated to the work and the training I'll be able to help you control and manipulate it quickly. Just don't tell your profe- on second thought tell them. They need to know they're not teaching fast enough or efficiently. I practically tested out of magical theory and manipulation. Mr. Lasik did not like me for a month after I showed him up. You should have seen his face, hahahaha."[/color] Mr. Lasik was the other magic teacher, teaching both theory and manipulation. It only took about a month before Sulleykaar had lost his patience with the teacher before arrogantly demanding that he get transferred to a new class since "his incompetence and lack of experience in the magical art was a disgraceful. How could someone who barely has been through half his elf life not know much about something so simple as magic. This isn't rocket science." The teacher quickly agreed if he could not only finish the lesson but the final exam for the year which involved demonstrations with magic versatility and technique. Needless to say the dragon, the prideful wyrm that he was, showed up and humiliated the teacher by scorching the teacher's clothing with his most powerful fire move. However in hindsight that had not been his smartest move. For one, he had gotten into significant trouble with the Dean and a few other staff members as he was supposed to be "a role model student" and "someone that the staff could count on". Two, he was lucky no one burned alive by the intense heat or suffocated due to the vacuum effect from the fire. He also was lucky he didn't lose his position on the student government. If it hadn't been for him willing to make up for the ballroom incident he would have been both off the SG committee and possibly out of the school for that. He did however reluctantly offer a public apology (while holding back a bit of a chuckle nonetheless), as well as host the next big banquet besides the-. He shook his head out of his nostalgic daydream and apologized. [color=9e0b0f]"Sorry I got distracted. But yes I am willing to start today. We'll need an open field to do this and do not worry about going out of control, I'll handle that. I'll need you if anything to focus on feelings when it happens."[/color] He stood up and grabbed his tray, offering to take hers as well before heading out a side door that would lead through one of the schools courtyard and out towards a training ground, anticipating her to fall in line behind him.