"Ah, just like home." Jennifer watched as Nate walked away before diverting her attention to Vin, who appeared to be confused as to why she had suddenly given him the cold shoulder. But hell, she was confused herself. In all honesty, Jennifer wasn't too sure anymore whether her so-called friends would refrain from killing her for whatever reason. Chalk it up to paranoia, or lack of sleep, but she had a bad feeling things were slowly getting worse. "Hey, can I talk to you?" Jennifer asked him, guiding Vin away from the other two. "This is a bit hard to bring up but I'm just gonna come out and say it. I had a dream you assaulted me, but only it wasn't you the entire time. At first it was just my stepfather and I having a conversation, but then he attacks me, and when I looked back at him again it was you. I know that dreams don't always mirror reality, but please understand that I can't just put it behind me so easily, not when part of the dream happened in real life." Jennifer didn't say anything else, instead she waited on Vin to see how he'd react and what he'd say.