[h2][color=gold]Kaiser Oblivion[/color] - Gourd Lake[/h2] Denys gave Candy a knowing nod before he charged head first at the creature in metal in front of him. Sword held high, and his magical ally's reassurance at his back, he ran towards the womanly thing, poised to strike, but as soon as he did, the woman left nothing but a cloud of smoke in her wake, and Henry's spell too was wasted, not scarring the earth instead of their attacker. Turning around to hear a familiar voice, said woman was talking to Miss Cane, an oddly sincere tone for the insults she was flinging. It didn't matter if she could not help, it did not mean she did not care, and Denys would be sure to remind her of that whenever they got the free time. But that didn't matter for now, strange things were happening. The woman seemed not to attack Miss Cane, and one of them launched an ice spell at seemingly nothing. It was very obvious they were hostile, but it seemed they were confused in some way too. Priority one was his allies, but if possible, and it may not be, he'd spare them. But for now, his friend was in danger. Again, Denys charged at the most violent metal creature, sword out. [hider=Mentions] [@Lugubrious], [@Prince of Seraphs] [/hider] [hr] [h2][color=ed1c24]Red [/color]- [color=gray]Hyrule Castle Town[/color][/h2] Red stopped for a split second, confused at the seemingly bizarre nature of the mummy's existence. It seemed to be in two places at once, when it was alive, and when it had passed. Was the Process trying to replicate humans? A horrifying thought, but Red would have to get back to it later, as the monster barely reeled at her attack, and it was approaching again, getting to close for any abilities. She slashed at it again, it still barely moving, and when she raised the blade for a downward chop, a woman appeared, dress almost reasonably, though still quite gaudy. Said woman seemed to do something, launch fire from her hand? Red could have sworn she was imagining that but it happened, the thing's head lopped off. But then, it still moved, and Red didn't have enough time to swing down. It's hand grazed her wrist. Before she knew it, the thing was on her back, attempting to restrain her with it's bony hands. Red accidentally dropped the Transistor, and began feeling more and more tired as she struggled. Blu called out to her, but she couldn't reach him, her hands being restrained as well. As Red struggled to make her way closer to the Transistor, she briefly thought about the woman who had thrown the molotov of some kind, but quickly dismissed her as probably only having one and again, tried to make her way over to the blade.