[hider=Aleida Ismene, The Maid of Rage] [center]Who is this young lady? ==> Enter Name CRIPPLING DEPRESSION hahaha,no. ==> Try Again You are ALEIDA ISMENE and you may have some sort of MENTALITY PROBLEM,That or constant ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES. All that aside, you've lived a a PRETTY DECENT LIFE so far. You have LOADS OF INTRESTS,such as GAMING, COLLECTING DECORATIVE KEYS, and BEING IN COMBAT. Your lusus,THE WISE OLD HOOT,as you sometimes call her jokingly had been the one to teach you how to USE DIFFERENT KINDS OF WEAPONS for when someone tries to hurt you. You've used to have UNCONTROLLABLE ANGER that ended up with something BROKEN,but until you had almost hurt your lusus was when you realized you had to TRAIN YOURSELF to be more STABLE. Now your CALM and LAID BACK, but still can get ANGRY at others. Your Choice for a STRIFE SPECIBUS was the SCYTHEKIND you had made while BLACKSMITHING, not knowing if that's an actual WORD or not, or the weapons your ANCESTOR once weilded. Being a LAVENDER-BLOODED troll is ROUGH,but at least it has its PERKS. You always used the KEYRING MODUS SYLADEX ever since you found it in the CELLAR of your HIVE. It turns stuff you CHAPTCHALOGUE into different KEYS, and you could only grab the KEYS that aren't STUFFED BETWEEN OTHER KEYS or all of them on that side would FALL OUT. Your trollian is [color=a187be]fabledMadness[/color], and you [color=a187be]Sometimes spe4k in riddles 4nd rhymes,just like your 4ncestor. ˎ₍•ʚ•₎ˏ[/color][/center] [center](Your a bit of a short troll,standing about 5'3. you sometimes have your black hair put up ina ponytail,but mostly ina medium bob with your bangs swept aside. Your horns are shaped like your lusus' wings. You wear a short dark purple trench coat,it being always open, with a black turtleneck that has your [url=https://www.google.com/search?q=celtic+symbol+of+the+holy+trinity&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=isnv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwibpYrxgeXPAhWF5yYKHSmnAWIQ_AUIBygB&biw=568&bih=232&dpr=2]symbol[/url] on it,dark grey shorts and leggings,and brown lace-up boots. Sometimes you wear one of your keys from your collection.)[/center] [/hider]