[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjQ1NjM1YS5UR1Z2YmlCR2RXeDBiMjQsLjA,/carolingia-bigfoot.normal.png[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/09dc9866e76c903e877dc9ba6e4d2f5c/tumblr_inline_niwrncLOEy1szaa83.gif[/img] [b][color=#506256]Location:[/color][/b] A balcony over the dance floor within Delirium → The dance floor [b][color=#506256]Interacting With:[/color][/b] Briefly with Sabrina and Jay [b][color=#506256]Mood:[/color][/b] Bored → Contemplative → Worried → Impressed → Lucid → Conflicted → Drunk [/center] [hr] Here the Wardens were, all 6 of them, standing around in the flickering lights and the hot atmosphere of Delirium, due to the fact that the word about Delphina’s little party somehow got out to Mayweather students. Under normal circumstances, Leon would have stayed the hell away from anything like this, but the tensions between the two student bodies were too much to ignore. Who knew what might happen? Yes, the club had its own security and they were totally capable of handling it themselves. However, there needed to be a set of eyes and ears to ensure a correct testimony got to the Headmasters should anything happen tonight. No more of this he said, she said bullshit. Leon was going to witness everything for himself. The Chief Warden didn’t even bother to go incognito for this event. Letting his presence be known would speak a message by itself, namely that mischief wasn’t going to be tolerated. The tall man hovered above the dance floor on a platform, his hands, adorned with black fingerless gloves, laced around the guard rail that protected him from toppling down into the hopping masses below. He wasn’t dressed in anything particularly spectacular, just a black, graphic t-shirt and a pair of jeans. There was no need to be flashy, after all. Nothing of intrigue had happened since they’d been here, yet Leon felt as though that were soon to change. Behind him, Jay and Sabrina made small talk on a black couch, though it was mostly the cat girl exclaiming about her new boyfriend. [color=#ff69b4]”He’s like… so sweet to me! It’s kind of weird though. He makes me dress up in dresses that are [i]way[/i] too small for me.”[/color] Sabrina… Such a naive woman. What kind of freak she’d managed to round up this time, Leon could only guess. Jay attempted to say something, but he was immediately shut down by her jumping into a non-sequitur outburst about muffins. Suddenly, the Chief wished he hadn’t sent Kayla with Valentin to keep an eye on the ground level. There was only so much Sabrina one could handle in a day. At least their newest member would be in safe hands… Leon didn’t know the specifics of it, all he knew was that their mysterious Valentin had close connections to the family that ran Delirium. Well, the entirety of the underworld, really. Nobody would mess around with him or his “escort” lest they end up on the wrong end of a smoking barrel. Or worse. Forgetting the chatter behind him, his dark eyes were peeled on the crowd below, but the only thing going on was dancing and conversing. Nothing out of the ordinary, thankfully. The absence of action was, unfortunately, a boring experience, and he solemnly wished he could leave here without worry. Part of him envied the hellions below, reveling in their wanton bliss. They had no care, no worries at all. Even people Leon never would have guessed in a million years were here for reasons unbeknownst to him, such as the usually secluded Eliana. Their minds were fixated solely on indulging in on their own desires, no more, no less. The sights made him think: How long had it been since he had actually let go of inhibitions? A better question was: had he ever done that before? No, Leon didn’t suppose he had. He was always concentrating on the task at hand and working towards an ultimate goal, that which was to provide a better lifestyle for his family. There was never any time to rest. Even today, he had been working since the start of the school day and now when he was supposed to be “off”, he was [i]still[/i] on the prowl. Honestly, this reflection made him realize how exhausted he was. Alas, such was the life he chose. Suddenly, the lights dimmed and the music came to a temporary close. A suspicious looking, well dressed gentleman took center stage. Leon had no idea who he was nor did he particularly care, but he took note of every word he spoke. Favored guest? Recurring performances? [i]Gianna Daniels?![/i] Had the Warden been drinking anything, he would’ve spit it out at the revelation. There was shock and awe written all over his face as the club’s screens flickered to life, painting the picture of a circle of hell. There their scantily clad star was, dangling on a pole above a crowd. Concern for the poor girl welled up in his chest. He immediately assumed she was stripping for the crowd and working as an exotic dancer for the Harts. Had she really fallen this low since her boyfriend’s death? Part of him wanted to drop down and rescue her from this prison, but he was smarter than that. That would ultimately be a death knell for him if he stole away the Hart’s prized dancer… Forced to watch, he cringed at the start of Evanescence’s Bring Me to Life. Nothing beginning with that terrible song could result in any good. At the conclusion of Gianna’s performance, Leon’s lips were slightly agape, as if he were astounded by what he had seen. There had been no shedding of clothes, no actual dirty dancing; this performance was an artistic medium that bled of raw emotion. He wasn’t great at interpreting dance or the meaning behind it, but whatever [i]that[/i] was, Gia was a master of it. In fact, after her show, he felt, well, ecstatic now. It was as if all his burdens had been lifted off of his shoulders and tossed away, a sensation that urged him to celebrate the fleeting glory of the present. The sound of lustful moaning behind him told him that he wasn’t the only one that got that vibe. Curiously, he turned and beheld the sight of Sabrina riding a pantsless Jay like a bucking bronco. [color=#506256]”What the fuck?!”[/color] Leon’s words of surprise were lost in the music and the man quickly scurried away from his companions' frantic tryst. One moment, Sabrina had been talking about her new boyfriend and muffins, and now she was screwing Jay. They weren’t even drunk! The girl made no sense to him, but he wasn’t about to intervene in their rendezvous. They could deal with the consequences of their actions tomorrow on their own accord. On the bottom floor, the Chief was surrounded on all sides by dancing bodies. He simply wanted to find Kayla and Valentin and assess the situation, but… there was a gnawing feeling that beckoned for him to join the masses. Why bother with work when he could relax for once? There wasn’t anything to worry about. Everything would be fine. He should leave all his stress behind and go get a drink or two. A silent clash between his responsibility as a Warden and the prospect of hedonism erupted. [color=#506256]"Fuck it."[/color] he whispered to himself. In the end, his feet carried him over to a nearby bar. His true objective was lost in whatever comforting sensation Gianna’s performance had wrought, and the next thing he knew, he had already had two shots of whiskey. Money was practically falling out of his pockets as he took another two shots. By the time Leon was out of cash, the world was a lucid vortex of bright color and loud music. But mostly, his stern visage was now beaming brightly at everything around him. Into the deep, the Warden went, moving his body to the beat with every step. He was on top of the world, and there wasn’t much that could improve his mood at the moment. Well, save for a beautiful woman in his arms. Someone like… [i]Amelia[/i].