[hider=Suri Han, Blue Leader] [color=8493ca][i][b]Player Name [/b][/i][/color]- SoleAccord [color=8493ca][i][b]Name[/b][/i] [/color]- Suri (Soo-ree) Han [color=8493ca][i][b]Age[/b][/i][/color] - 25 [color=8493ca][i][b]Appearance[/b][/i][/color]- [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/battlefront/images/c/c5/Twi'lek.png/revision/latest?cb=20151123001040[/img] Suri maintains an alluring and curvaceous figure of her people, often hidden beneath suits and baggy clothing of her choice. Her skin is a bright blue color, and her eyes are a dim violet. On her right shoulder is the faded scar of an old blaster wound that never fully healed. Not a person who finds need in many material goods, she does not adorn herself with any sort of jewelry outside of a formal occasion, rare as they are. Brown leather covers a portion of her forehead and spreads to her lekku, or “headtails”. Since landing on Taris, Suri’s jacket and pants—both with the symbol of the rebellion embedded in—have been hidden away. In place of the pride she has for the Rebellion, what she now wears is more typical of a dweller of the Lower City: A tan shirt that stops just above her navel, covered by a dark jacket with a large pocket on her right breast, rendered useless due to a large hole beneath it. It’s a size larger than herself, but allows her to conceal a DL-18 Blaster Pistol hidden inside. Around her waist is a standard brown belt that stores her C1 comlink, as well as a small share of military rations and credits—emergencies only of course. Her pants are ragged, its knees several shades darker than the rest of the tan fabric, but is made acceptable by the large pouches on either side of her legs. Lastly, she wears durasteel-toe brown boots that are caked in dried dirt. [color=8493ca][i][b]Gender -[/b][/i][/color] Female [color=8882be][i][b]Race -[/b] [/i][/color]Twi’lek [color=8882be][i][b]Force Sensitive Y/N -[/b][/i][/color] Y [color=8493ca][i][b]Equipment -[/b][/i][/color] [color=8493ca][b][i]DL-18 Blaster Pistol[/i] [/b][/color]– A trusty sidearm she picked up on Corellia, Suri rarely goes anywhere without it. You never know when you’ll enter a firefight. [color=8493ca][b][i]D1 persona comlink[/i] [/b][/color]– A small communication device used to keep in contact with her allies as well as her droid companion, R2-Z3. [color=a187be][b][i]R2-Z3[/i][/b][/color] – An astromech droid Suri had bonded with over many Rebellion operations, R2-Z3, “Zeethree” or “Zee” for short, is her copilot during missions for the fledgling New Republic. “She”—Suri dubbed her a female droid despite no such thing existing, and Zee didn’t complain—assists in real-time combat situations and onboard maintenance as expected. Within her memory banks contains pre-calculated coordinates to several planets, all of which are in neutral territory. This is to prevent enemies of the Rebel Alliance from using her to find hidden bases should she be captured. If threatened, Zee is instructed to delete any and all recordings and evidence of her close relationship with Alliance personnel. Within her compartments contains the standard utility that all R2 units provide, but there is one exception: a powerful stun baton used to cripple any and all threats to both Suri and herself. It is supercharged and contains enough power to leave a victim a drooling mess for up to thirty minutes, give or take. Zee has flown with Suri in nearly all of her operations. Because of this, Zee may operate an X-wing or Y-wing with greater efficiency than most basic astromech units due to practice runs with Suri during their free time, making her a surprisingly capable wingman if a situation demands she handle a fighter on her own. Of course due to their closeness, Zee would always prefer being with Suri. With this bond, Zee had voluntarily gotten herself repainted, turning her worn yellow-colored lines into a dark blue. [color=8493ca][b][i]T65B X-wing[/i][/b][/color] – Suri’s fighter of choice. Its perfect balance of speed, maneuverability, and defensive shielding make it her favorite ship to pilot in the ranks of the Rebellion. With permission from her superiors, Suri was allowed to repaint the red lines on the ship into a blue color. Accepting the risks of anyone identifying her based on that alone, her X-wing is only identifiable to those who come up close and personal with her in combat, or fly beside her as a wingman. The ship’s cargo contains spare parts for emergency repairs that Zee cannot perform while in flight. [color=8493ca][b][i]Binoculars[/i][/b][/color] – Needs no explanation. If scouting on the ground, having that additional sight range helps with gathering intel. [color=8493ca][b][i]Smoke Grenade(s) x4[/i][/b][/color] – Need a distraction? A quick escape? Say no more. [color=8493ca][b][i]Bacta /w bandages[/i][/b][/color] – A small canister of Bacta, used primarily in quickly covering up superficial injuries and preventing infection. Greatly speeds up the healing process. [color=8493ca][i][b]Skills -[/b][/i][/color] [color=8493ca][b][i]Languages[/i][/b][/color] – Suri is fluent in speaking and understanding several languages, including but not limited to: Basic, Binary, Shyriiwook (hates speaking it), Huttese, Bothese, Durese, Zabraki, and Twi’leki. [color=8493ca][b][i]Accomplished Pilot[/i][/b][/color] – Suri has flown for the Rebel Alliance for some time and has become quite familiar with all of their fighters. Among them, the X-wing and A-wing are her favorites with the X-wing edging ahead of the latter. Though she can handle a B-wing and Y-wing somewhat well, she absolutely despises flying them, instead preferring to cover bombing groups and allow them to do their job with someone watching their back. Her experience makes her maneuvers less risky and more calculated. A large amount of time had been spent learning the limitations of the fighters she flies and faces. An Imperial would want her anywhere but in the pilot seat of a starfighter. [color=8493ca][b][i]Mechanical Expertise[/i][/b][/color] – While not a dedicated mechanic, her wear-and-tear of fighters she uses on missions are often the bane of a mechanics existence. To ease the burden on Zee and her fellow Rebels, Suri had spent over a year learning and fully understanding the ships of the Rebel Alliance and can quickly deduce problems with the ship being examined. Power Cells are dry? Laser cannons overheated? She’ll know. [color=8493ca][b][i]Strengths[/i][/b][/color] - - An exceptional pilot with a keen eye; Suri’s ability to locate points of interest makes her as good a scout as she is a dogfighter. You better have one heck of a cloaking field in place for her to miss an important detail. - Suri’s years as a pilot have taught her how to keep a close eye on her surroundings. She avoids relying too much on technology such as targeting computers and scanners, choosing to trust her own two eyes whenever possible. Her ability to lock on to targets can nearly surpass a factory-default targeting computer in some cases. Because of this, she is more aware of what goes in wherever she is than most. - Suri has made enemies, and because of this had to learn how to stay out of trouble without causing a fight in high-risk locations. She knows how to blend into crowds, so well in fact that she appears as if she isn’t trying to hide whatsoever. - Suri can lie exceptionally well. Eyes forward, voice steady, body still—she could convince you she was Darth Vader’s third cousin on his father’s side if she tried. [color=8493ca][i][b]Weaknesses -[/b] [/i][/color] - Contrast to her ability in a pilot seat, Suri is not as capable a pistoleer as she is a pilot. Because of this, the pressure of being in a direct firefight on the ground can cause her aim to be off, rendering her keen eye useless. - A capable pilot on her own, Suri’s growth from loner to flight leader had made losing wingmen a very painful experience for her to go through. An overwhelming force of ships does not shake her as much as seeing a comrade explode before her eyes. Should she see too much of this, she begins to take greater risks with her own life to take the pressure off of her remaining wingmen. This has resulted in very close calls in the past, charging recklessly into entire enemy TIE formations and veering closely to turbolaser emplacements to draw fire onto herself. – A mistake early in her career caused the death of innocents due to her competitive attitude. Suri is a very persistent combatant, but she will almost always break off pursuit if civilian infrastructure or transports are being threatened in any way. Should she be on the ground, she will only surrender herself willingly should the lives of innocents be in harm’s way. If she is in the air, she will do whatever she can to protect them, even at the risk of letting Imperial VIP’s escape. It all depends on the situation. [color=8493ca][i][b]History:[/b][/i][/color] Suri Han was born a slave, but the details of her time as one are a secret she keeps to herself. The most anyone knows is that she grew up with close ties to an owner within the Black Sun pirate organization, and she leaves it at that. What happened to her mother and father, how she escaped, how she learned to fly—all are irrelevant, and to her no one needs to know. The only one who seems to know what she’s gone through is Zeethree, who she had befriended shortly after joining the Rebel Alliance. Just prior to making contact with a rebel cell near Bothawui, her days were spent harassing Black Sun operations on her own, ranging from lightly defended, to moderately defended. During this time she had soon discovered that there was a thrill to being in a pilot seat unlike any other; her freedom was more than destroying the shackles that bound her ankles and wrists, it was being able to go wherever she pleased. Over time her reputation for dealing with the Black Sun had acquired the attention of the Empire. After a routine crippling of mining operations near the Vergesso Asteroids, a Carrack Cruiser with four TIE’s had been lying in wait on the edge of the system to watch her at work. An offer was made that she couldn’t refuse; join the Empire and be rewarded for her skill, or be vaporized like the scum she had just killed. The decision had been an easy one. Within several minutes, joining the wreckage of a battered mining operation were the panels of TIE fighters as well as a heavily damaged Carrack Cruiser, leaving Suri to escape the system with moderate hull damage and overheated blaster cannons. It was this event that woke her up to the attention she had begun receiving in the underworld, identified only by her former master’s Rihkxyrk assault fighter and holorecordings of her face, blurred due to the speed at which she had flown by. Without the resources on her own to deal with both Black Sun and the Empire, and with nothing more than an increasingly battered ship, Suri had been pressured into joining the Alliance simply to survive. Making contact with the rebel cell on Bothawui, Suri expressed interest in working for the Rebellion, and given how quickly they had been willing to bring her into the fold she surmised that they had been in great need of new recruits. Her training had begun almost immediately, and she had managed to complete it shortly after the first Death Star’s destruction. With the Empire quickly preparing to strike back, Suri--and Z3--had proven themselves by assisting in the evacuation of Yavin IV, sending half a dozen TIE fighters into the forests below and rushing to destroy enemy transports carrying troops and armor. This would mark the very start of Suri's career as a pilot for the Alliance. Since the destruction of the Death Star, the Alliance had focused heavily on playing defense. This included a scramble for supplies after abandoning their base on Yavin. She took part on a mission on the planet Barkhesh, six months after the evacuation on Yavin, to help escort a convoy filled with much needed supplies with Wedge Antilles. Eager to prove herself, Suri had taken initiative by moving to engage Imperial targets as she spotted them, silencing her flight leader as she send AT-ST’s and TIEs scrambling. While she had gained some successful kills both in the air and on the ground, her presence missing from the back of the convoy made her wingmen easier targets to strike. As a result of her recklessness, those she left behind were shot down, but thankfully had survived the crash and were picked up when the operation was over. However, two supply transports had been destroyed before the flight groups ahead of them had realized what was happening. Suri had accepted responsibility for the failure and made no excuse for it. She was prepared to face punishment, but the unlikely aid of Wedge Antilles had prevented her right to fly from being taken away. Rather than ground her, Wedge offered to take her under his wing and show her what it meant to fly with others. Thankful for this opportunity, Suri accepted with a warm heart and an itchy trigger finger. Flying with Wedge had shown her the basics of leadership. He was not only responsible for his own life, but also those that followed his commands and formed up beside him. Joining him in multiple operations, Suri’s abilities had developed not only as a pilot, but as a wingman to be counted on. Together, often with Wedge, Suri had completed several noteworthy missions that benefitted the Alliance: - Covered Gold Squadron, a unit specializing in Y-wing usage, during an uprising against Imperial authority on Gerrard V. - Multiple hit-and-run operations on Imperial facilities, determining that she would rather not fly a bomber if it could be helped. Instead flew as escort for more willing pilots. - Piloted an A-wing for the first time in search of a missing shuttle on Chorax. The crew was saved from Imperials who raced to capture or kill them. - Helped disrupt an Imperial blockade on Chandrila. Her interception of incoming TIE bombers in the capital city with her wingmen helped save hundreds of lives. Earned her first official commendation. - Assisted in the evacuation on Hoth; while Rogue Squadron moved against the AT-AT’s that approached Echo Base, Suri was helping Alliance personnel get to their transports. She was one of the last pilots out of the Hoth system, keeping a careful eye on the remaining GR75 transports closely behind. - Joined Luke Skywalker on Thyferra to stop a vengeful Moff from destroying the Rebel’s valuable supply of healing Bacta. - Joined the space battle for Endor, responsible for protecting the medical frigate and the vulnerable transports that accompanied the heavy cruisers. Remained behind to cover the main fleet while Wedge and Lando Calrissian took a handful of remaining fighters to destroy the second Death Star. With all of these accomplishments under her belt, Suri had grown out of being alone and had learned the value of being a member of a team she could count on. General Crix Madine had pinned a medal on her chest himself for the valor she had shown, offering her the position of Blue Leader. Recently, Suri had joined a rebel fleet in heading to Taris with a squadron under her command. It didn’t take long for her to realize what was happening. She quickly issued orders and assisted the fleet as much as possible, but the upper hand was not theirs. Aiding in the escape of what ground forces they had, Suri had drawn as many fighters as she could away from the transports, instructing what remained of her squadron to stick with the bulk of the transports that made it through. Through outmaneuvering and wit, Suri had managed to evade her pursuers and meet up with several pilots within the Lower City on Taris, ready to figure out a plan. [/hider]