[h1][b][center][color=olive]Derek O'Leary[/color][/center][/b][/h1][hr][center][hider=Derek O'Leary] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ab/Rupert_Grint.jpg[/img] [/hider] [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=207135108]Outfit[/url] Interacting with : The Class[/center][hr] After the whole encounter with Jake the rest of the carnival felt very boring to Derek. He ran into a few of his friends and told some of them what happened. He just spent the rest of the carnival walking around seeing what kind of people were going to be among his grade. Once he left the carnival he and a few of his friends went to a park they considered their local hangout. They played football for the majority of the time, and once they decided to start playing soccer that's when Derek parted ways with his friends heading home. By the time he was home his mother had already left for her second job of the day. The boy had nothing to do at home so he just hoped onto his measly little couch and fell asleep quick. Around five the boy woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. He slowly sat up to see his mom cooking in the kitchen. [color=olive]"Ma, what are you doing? Don't you have work today?"[/color] "I did but I called in sick today. I wanted to see my son off to his first day of school." This caused Derek to smile a little. Despite how much trouble he tended to cause the woman he still very much loved her and enjoyed every moment they spent together. After eating breakfast Derek walked to school. It took him awhile to find his class. He actually greeted his teacher and found a seat in the back. He payed attention to each of his new classmates. A few he knew and a few he didn't. When they were instructed to write their names Derek used a normal pen to write his name. His drawing was crap. Literally. He drew a small pile of crap. He was going to stop there but then he opened the paper and wrote a short poem. What they had to do with the second paper actually made him smile. In his eyes he was the one who had been ripped up, but he repaired himself better and stronger. The thought of the game two truths and a lie being the way he and his classmates was humorous to him. He sat at his desk as the others took their turns guessing and giving their choices. It was an interesting concept but was most likely lost on many in the class. Derek didn't really care what anyone had to say for their truths and lie, but the current player caught his attention. It was Amelia. A girl who had a crappy background like Derek, but was kind to the richies when they didn't deserve it. Her comments were very interesting nonetheless. Derek knew she worked so he scoffed when the random girl guessed that that was the lie. He vaguely remembered a her having a father at home when they were little, but didn't know what had happened. All he can remember was the man's face and name. Derek decided to take an estimated guess and raised his hand. [color=olive]"You can play the flute right. That's the lie."[/color] When his assumption was stated correct Derek walked to the front of the class. [color=olive]"Let's see. I play football, I play soccer, and I play basketball."[/color] To anyone who knew Derek it was obvious the lie was about him playing soccer. He hadn't played soccer since his injury, but most in the class didn't know that.