[center][img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140214122806/starwars/images/f/fe/Mercenary_Support_-_BotF.jpg[/img] [color=00aeef][i]"Let's get started. Shall we?"[/i][/color][/center] [b]Player Name:[/b] Sep [b]Name:[/b] Agent Aurek [b]Age:[/b] [REDACTED] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human ([REDACTED]) [b]Force Sensitive Y/N:[/b] [REDACTED] [b]Equipment:[/b] [i]'Allegiance'[/i] her personal starship, standard issue Imperial Officers blaster. Datapad she takes everywhere. [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*][i]Manipulation:[/i] Be it her enemies, or her allies. One things for sure, she knows how to get what she wants. [*][i]Science:[/i] While no-one is clear exactly what she does, it's obvious that she uses the sciences to her advantage. [*][i]Torture:[/i] No-one has seen anything first hand, but she gets answers out of prisoners. [/list] [b]Strengths:[/b] [list] [*][i]Leader:[/i] Though few know who she actually is she is a leader of people, and has the clearance to do it. [*][i]Surprisingly Nimble:[/i] She doesn't look like much, but after she was attacked by a prisoner who broke free she proved that she's capable of handling herself. [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list] [*][i]Trust:[/i] It's hard to trust someone, when nobody knows who you are. Many of the higher ranking Imperials resent her presence, and her apparent authority. What would it take for one of them to snap? [*][i]Directionless:[/i] She's acting on the last order she was ever given by her command, once this order is complete she isn't quite sure what she's going to do with herself. She has grown so accustomed to simply following orders. [/list] [b]History:[/b] Agent Aurek turned up on Taris almost one Standard Year ago, and immediately began kicking up the beehive. Governor Venuti had become lazy in his command however anyone who knew him would have seen how flustered he was by Aureks presence, he became irritable and unpredictable. Many who knew him knew that not everything was the same after she turned up. However much of the Imperial regime remained the same on Taris, some more personnel came and worked solely under the command of Aurek in the undercity and nobody really knew what they were up to so they just let her get on with it, as the Governor himself had told them [i]not to bother her[/i]. Months passed as the project continued in secret, Aurek would rarely be seen outside of her 'facility' down in the undercity. Though that didn't really bother anyone. Her presence became more common after the Battle of Endor, around the same time the Governor suddenly became a recluse. She is the one that organised the ambush on the rebel forces and since then has taken a proactive stance in trying to flush them out of the undercity. Though one question still remains. Who is Agent Aurek?