[quote=@Ashevelendar] [@Lucidnonsense] Golems go to the Magic Category. They are after all , rocks ( metals etc ) that are animated by magic. Magic will allow the civilization that will use it to make bigger / better magical attacks and units. Meaning that you will be able to make creatures that only magic can produce ( sub-races too ) and when war comes , to attack their enemies via magical portals and such. Technology on the other side will allow the civilization to make bigger / better mech constructs. Meaning that you will be able to make robots / cyborgs and such and when war comes , to attack their enemies using machines ( ground mechs and air mechs ). When two civilizations will ally ( one with magic , one with technological upgrades ) I will then introduce the " Combined Tech Upgrades ". Meaning that new units / buildings will be allowed to be created. + when the real war comes ( after everyone achieves EvoTier 5 ) , the civilizations that will ally will have an advantage against the invaders. Alchemy is considered to be more tech than magic so it will be in tech category but if two races ally , new powers will be unlocked because of it. The limitations to 2 legs was put there just because I want this to be a little realistic. A race that is let's say...a dog or a cow , even if they are intelligent cannot build stuff ( no hands ). But I will remove it and add a pointer saying that a race must have at least two arms. PS : What do you mean by constrained ? [/quote] So I was thinking of either playing as. Technological Angels who live mostly in cyberspace "heaven" but create biomechanical bodies to do work in the physical world, they make Salvation machines that they use to convert willing allies into computer programs so that they may live in paradise with the Angels. While friendly they tend to be a little evangelical trying to spread faith in technology. Or Intelligent slime who use weird living technology, they seek to "wake up the world" turning it little by little into intelligent thinking slime. This process is slow and will probably take a thousand years but still. As the slimes eschew traditional hierarchy they will have an unusual God.