Nations Name: Khanate of Thal-Ik Flag: No Banner Ruling type: Agnatic Elective Hereditary Absolute Monarchy Leader: Thal-Ik-Gom-Qo Pop count: 955000, Adults 750000 Children 205000 Total hex Area: Only controls 1 hex, but Thal-Ik have been found ranging 14 Army Organization: Everybody is obligated to learn the bow and horse, but there is no strict organization of the army and fighting in a war is based mostly on an "if they want to" basis. Size: 55000 Unit make up: Every free man is cavalry. The huge majority of them are horse archers, but a few instead take up spears or clubs. What little foot soldiers they have are poorly equipped, untrained slave warriors. Training: The military training of anyone is decided by their family elder. The family is responsible for training and arming their members. Resources Natural Resources: Sheep, Yak, Horse, Oxen, Goat Produced Resources: Leather, Bone Tools, Bone Carvings, Animal Meat Main Exports: Animal Meat, Leather Main Imports: Crops, Slaves Workforce: 600000 Culture: Relgion: Before Gom-Qo, the people worshipped spirits of the grass, sky, and mountains. But Gom-Qo was raised by a Tharan slave, and has converted to their faith. The Tharans believed in a single all-powerful God, and Gom-Qo upon ascending has strictly enforced his religion upon his Khanate. Anyone caught burning offerings to the old spirits are killed for heresy. Beliefs: The stars are the souls of their dead ancestors, continuing the endless fight between man and demons. The greatest of the demons, Sun and Moon, are the only two visible to the people. The moon is a brutish warrior, destroying the souls with it's sheer size, while the Sun is a tricky rogue, obscuring the stars from the living. When the souls defeat the Sun, Moon, and invisible demons, they will have enough strenght to illuminate the sky as bright as the Sun once did, creating eternal light. Values: Unity, Wisdom, Loyalty, Zeal Education System: Not centralized. Varies depending on family. Class system: A the very top is the khan, currently Gom-Qo of the Thal-Ik family. Under him are his advisors, chosen through a primitive testing system on theology, strategy, and management. Under those are the Iderennon, the patriarchs of every family. They vote on which of the khan's relatives succeed the khanate. Under those are the men of the family, then the women, then the children. At the bottom are the slaves, equal in status regardless of gender or age.