The car elegantly stopped to an halt, as the businessman rapped his fingers against his knees, impatiently. He shot a look at his assistant, who shuffled her clothes once more, readjusting the form-fitting business suit with some difficulty. She let go the steering wheel, and it was then when he noticed her trembling hands. His eyes gazed for a second, before Kuro reached for his necktie, adjusting it. "Relax". "But, I can smell them. They're powerful, and some predator youkai smells." The girl answered, her eyes round and big in an effort, as her ears twitched and drooped. "We'll be fine." Kuro said, as he opened the door, walking confidently in his business suit. He was proud of his dressing sense, even if somewhat tight in some inappropiate places, sometimes. He motioned to his assistant to follow him. She did obey, although with no small amount of fear, judging how she insistently tried to shield her appearance with her Lord's shoulders. She had a similar likelihood in the features than that of the man, with a black hair cut in a bobcut, her suit struggling to contain her bust, and brown eyes. She did not have the beady expression like that of her master, and she sported a band of freckles just under the eyes, which she shifted nervously. Both were not bothering to hide their animal features, as it was said trust was good in business. Sort of. Kuro stopped a few steps, as he eyed the collective. "Good day. The MYO organization, I presume?" He said, doing a rather articulate, if slightly stiff and ornate bow. "My name is Mr Tamagi. Word has reached my ears that you may have some sort of contractual business within one of my properties." He added as he got up. "Since time is gold, allow me to be concise and precise. My assistant can-" It was then when the assistant's nerves did not hold and with a "NUUU,too scary!" dropped all the papers she held in a folder, and scrambled for the nearest corner, holding a leaf and quickly vanishing in a puff of smoke... leaving behind a rather droll signal. Which had a couple of not so droll protuberances, as the young Tanuki botched her own transformation in a fit of panic. Tamagi's reaction was of course, befitting. A hearty facepalm. "Nevermind." He sighed as he picked up the papers and shuffled them. "I can help you with your goal. I only ask of you to not deface said dwelling any more than necessary." The tanuki smiled. "After all, we do not want to disrupt the wellbeing of the community, do we?" The elder tanuki announced, as he looked at his assistant-turned-signpost. [i]Well, it is worrisome to an extent. Most of them are young'uns, but not all. I even reckon that some of these, all alone, would be encounters i would not relish upon. Some of them are even stupid KITSUNES. But the golden rules of bussiness and war are to never show your fears to the enemy[/i] Kuro thought mentally, as his glare pierced his assistant. "Sorry about that. She's new. And panicky." He quickly pieced together an excuse.