[center][color=ffd700][h1][u]00017[/u][/h1][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5ugWerI.jpg?1[/img][/center] [color=ffd700]"Oh! You're a mech pilot? That's cool, I always thought how would be to handle one of them, but I chose to fly a Terminator because a person that's important to me flew one as well."[/color] Itsuko said as she smiled at Maja. It was rare of her to ever encounter a friendly reception when away from the Katarina, but least when it came to Maja, Itsuko could say that she was going to get along well. [color=ffd700]"Hey, wanna some?"[/color] Itsuko extended her hand forward to offer some of her melon scented shampoo to her fellow pilot, after all, Itsuko had to groom quite a complicated hair cut, so she invested on this kind of stuff and always had some tucked among the few things a Faceless was permitted to own. Itsuko didn't remade her braid after she finished with her showering, letting the scorching heat of the Courier Airfield dry whatever water still clung to her long hair while Itsuko followed Maja to the briefing room. [color=ffd700]"Hmm... I would really appreciate if they did these things in different sizes. Some of us just don't have the body type of a standard issue soldier, after all."[/color] Itsuko complained as she dealt with a standard issue drab green flight suit that was a couple sizes too big for her. A quite humorous scene, to say the truth. Itsuko said nothing after getting into the briefing room From her experience, merely performing a salute as usual before finding whatever seat had been assigned to her. On her experience, soldiers weren't expected to talk on these kinds of situations, unless requested to, thus she remained quiet, waiting for the briefing to begin.