"Yes, Lord Sephiroth. Quite finished. " Sasha replied, her tone of voice distant. "The dimensional gateway will remain closed to but those of our blood. " Sasha turned walk away, not before adding "Your help was vital". In her detached state this was as close to a thanks as anyone would get. She walked away and found herself a tent. She lay down to sleep, exhausted from the drain of magic. Azurael dispatched her recruits after giving them thier new assignments. She stopped by T'vor's tent and noted that he was sleeping. Azurael decided not to wake him up but left him a note. [i]Found recruits, given them assignments. Azurael. [/i] Azurael left the note on a small table next to the bed. She walked away and found Damien who had woken up again by this this point. The both of them decided to have a meal together, in which Azurael decided to persuade Damien to join the joint peacekeeping force. "Wait until T'vor's awake before you disturb him". Azurael shouted after the rapidly departing Damien. Sephiroth's rocks had appeared to change in colour slightly and had also grown slightly larger.