[hider=Elijah Quaid] [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/23wmyxj.jpg[/IMG] Elijah Quaid - Child prodigy, Manaweaver, Asgardian Military Academy student [color=lightblue][b]Name: [/b][/color]Elijah Quaid [color=lightblue][b]Age:[/b][/color] 21 [color=lightblue][b]Race:[/b][/color] Elf [color=lightblue][b]Personality: [/b][/color] Quiet and reserved, Elijah is a confident, but often unspoken individual. His calm and collected demeanor is often mistaken for an uncaring and aloof disposition. Underneath his quiet persona lies an innate brilliance, a highly intuitive and calculative mind. Highly logical and orderly, Elijah shows visible disdain towards the use of trickery and subterfuge but recognizes it's usefulness in strategy. Efficient and analytical, but often accused of lacking outward compassion, Elijah is a competent tactician boasting considerable knowledge of theory, though lacking in experience. Strong willed and possessing an air of determination, Elijah is highly critical and will rarely hesitate to call others out on their shortcomings, often leading to him butting heads with others. Like many high-status elves, Elijah can at times be arrogant, haughty and overly prideful. [color=lightblue][b]Background:[/b][/color] A child prodigy from the capital city of Midgar, Elijah is the only son of General Quaid, a prominent leader of the Asgardian military. His childhood was strict and rigid, and consisted of private lessons, tutors, fencing lessons, and statescraft among other things. Elijah and his father often butted heads while growing up, continuing even through his adolescence. Upon reaching adolescence it became revealed that Elijah was capable of weaving mana. In fact, he had an incredible mastery over mana not seen in many professionals twice his age. Taking private lessons from his father - another talented manasmith, Elijah quickly underwent training to master his full potential. Proving himself to be an extremely talented manasmith, Elijah's father had him enrolled in Asgard's premier Military Academy, where his natural intelligence, and mastery over various skills propelled him to the top of his class. Elijah was offered positions in several Knighthoods, including the prestigious Knighthood of Blades, the esteemed Knights of the Lexicon, and the elf-exclusive Knights Arcana. Elijah's future was bright, and he had a variety of career options, all in high level military positions that he could enter right out of Academy. It was during his final year at the Academy when the Zephyr appeared, and subsequently took control of the Asgard Empire. Almost immediately, Elijah heard reports of secessionists and rebels breaking away from the Empire in protest to the Zephyr. All of these rebellions were quickly, and brutally put down. Though Elijah never passed the cut as a diehard patriot, Elijah never seemed to lack loyalty to the Empire. It was all the more surprising then, when he suddently cut ties with the academy and left- an action that greatly shamed and angered his father. Disillusioned with the Asgard Empire and their Zephyr overlords, Elijah retreated inwards to himself and left the city of Midgar. Fleeing with his belongings in self-imposed exile, Elijah left central Asgard in search of the fringe kingdoms. Eventually finding himself in Tyberia, Elijah soon became involved with a secessionist movement within its borders, where his military knowledge- while lacking experience and physical applications, would prove most useful. [color=lightblue][b]Skills:[/b][/color] A child of nobility and the son of a general, Elijah is talented in a wide berth of skills. From statecraft to strategy, Elijah has been educated in diplomacy and military tactics. A trained fencer and swordsman due to private lessons throughout his childhood, as well as the Asgard Military Academy, Elijah is a capable fighter, as well as tactician. With his natural affinity with the world's Mana, Elijah is a talented manasmith. Capable of throwing bolts of energy from his hands, to relieving the injured of mana radiation and injuries, a testimant to his mastery over mana is his ability to create and maintain a solid blade of energy around a focus. [list] [*][color=lightblue]Professional Swordsmanship[/color] - A top student at Asgard's prestigious Military Academy, as well as trained from a young age, Elijah, while lacking in battlefield experience, has been trained extensively in fencing and bladesmanship, and has at times been able to best several of his instructors in combat. [*][color=lightblue]Adept Manaweaving[/color] - A manasmith of considerable note, Elijah has a natural natural affinity with the world's Mana. Capable of throwing bolts of energy from his hands, and relieving the injured of mana radiation and poisoning, a testimant to his mastery over mana is his ability to create and maintain a solid blade of energy around a focus. [*][color=lightblue]Professional Strategist[/color] - A child prodigy, an heir to nobility, the son of a general, and a skilled student of a prestigious military academy, Elijah is well educated in diplomacy and military tactics. [*][color=lightblue]Journeyman Statescraft[/color] - While educated in statescraft and policy making as a child and through his time at the military academy, it is clear that statescraft was not one of Elijah's focuses. [*][color=lightblue]Journeyman Marksmanship[/color] - While trained with manalocks as every student at the Asgard Military Academy was, it is clear that it is not one of Elijah's main suits. [/list] [color=lightblue][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [list] [*][color=lightblue]Elijah's Coat[/color] - A battlecoat often worn by top ranking Academy students. These coats are made of thick leather and are often treated with special magics to make them more resilient than everyday longcoats, making them capable of being worn into battleThese coats are often a sign of status in Asgard Military units. Several Knight Houses also give their own personalized coats to prospective members. Elijah's Coat is from the Knights Arcana and is warded to provide him further protection from mana based weapons. [*][color=lightblue]Einherjar[/color] - An ornate, ivory sword hilt without a blade. Elijah uses this sword hilt as a focus for his manasmithing abilities. The most common application of Elijah's mana weaving abilities are made manifest in the sword blade he conjours. The blade, while quite wide, is made of pure mana, and is therefore nearly weightless. The blade is capable of cutting through most non-resistant materials with ease. The hilt features a mana crystal in its pommel to provide extra energy when needed. [/list] [/hider]