[@Ashevelendar] Its on the first post I made at the bottom section. My co-gm should have better versatility with maps and such as I don't. As well being able to neutrally play NPC groups(pirateres or 'wild' tribes. ) on top of being fair in handling different situations. [@bloonewb] To both of you. I'm wondering about the cs posting. As this version most likely isn't the final version of the cs. Though I do say both of you have awesome looking sheets so far, so i guess continue. The total hex area, as the map is made of hex's is what's inside of you borders. A landmass or two will be chosen at some point, so you can get hex's. Resources- not implemented yet- such as minerals and native animals will be placed here. The population is something yes determined by your hex count but not totally. Its how many people are estimated to be inside of your kingdom as residents. Then divied down to total adult pop, Should be greatly more than children, then military. The population in military gives advantages in battles against other kingdoms and anything else. Though winner is not determined by size but by training and how to plays out in game. Sorry I haven't been the most responsive person. Still sick and preparing for RL events that popped up.