Kaede watched the scientist finish her speech. She had gotten bored partway through and had wandered a couple feet away, reading some plaque about gravitational force or something like that. Planets were not exactly her strong suite; she would have preferred a trip to some botanical gardens instead. Nevertheless, not wanting to be rude, she rejoined her classmates and tried to look engaged. She pushed her fingers together nervously, wondering how she would find a 'buddy' to walk around with. She honestly just would have preferred to stay by herself. Her fairy, Jubilee, popped out of her backpack and clung onto her shoulder, giggling a bit. Kaede hushed her. She watched an excited-looking girl-Foress, perhaps?- announce her intentions to go look through the planetarium. Kaede sighed, her long pink twintails swishing as she began to walk towards Foress. Nervously, she greeted her. "H-hi."