[h1][color=ed1c24]Scout[/color] - Hyrule Fields[/h1] [@ProPro][@Prince of Seraphs] Scout's initial response to Gaige was to raise his eyebrows in wide-eyed surprise, but that was soon replaced with a cocky grin. "[color=ed1c24]Oh, I'll show you, alright![/color]" Scout yelled at Gaige as he ran over to the nearest horse and climbed on. Unfortunately for Scout, he still couldn't get the horse to obey him, and Gaige quickly left him in her dust. He spent a few seconds trying to push the horse's back, yelling at it all the while, in a frustratingly futile attempt to get it to go forward. An idea then occurred to him. Scout slapped the horse's rump, and it seemed to do the trick. The horse began to run, and Scout flailed a bit to get a secure grip on the horse before he fell off. Fortunately, he was able to grab the horse's mane with one hand, and he pulled himself into position while keeping his other hand on his hat to keep it from getting blown away. "[color=ed1c24]Wooo hoo hoo hooo![/color]" Scout excitedly yelled as he felt the speed of the horse and the wind on his face. [hr] [h1][color=9e0b0f]Spy[/color] - Gourd Lake[/h1] Spy quickly darted away in surprise as an spiky ice wall formed in front of him. Conveniently, the charge on Spy's Invis-Watch ran out, forcing Spy to reveal himself as well. "Merde," Spy said to himself as he realized that he had already been discovered. There was no point hiding now, and fighting them head on would be a suicidal move. Spy knew then that he had a few courses of action left: he could either run away, or go talk to them directly. It was possible that Spy could flee and the beings would not pursue him, but considering their abilities, Spy doubted they would need to. However, from what Spy could tell right now, the spiked wall was not intended to kill him; the spikes didn't extend close enough to even wound him. If they had already been aware of his presence and location, then the act was either a scare tactic or a warning, possibly even both. Normally, Spy would have ran by now. Coupled with the use of his Dead Ringer, he would be out in seconds, away from the escalating fight of magic and mayhem. This situation, though, was a special case. It was precisely the fact that this was a fight of magic and mayhem that this couldn't be simply ignored. At the very least, if things turned dicey, Spy could rely on his Dead Ringer to get him out of a pinch. Taking out the pocket watch from a fold in his suit and flipping the cover open, Spy proceeded to walk over to the Big Sisters, keeping his cool as he maintained his calm demeanor. If things worked out and Spy managed to approach them, Spy would proceed to carefully say, "[color=9e0b0f]You are not humans, are you? Who are you?[/color]" If he was attacked and his Dead Ringer was triggered, however, Spy would proceed to make like a tree and run for his life.