[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjU4N2I0Ny5TVzVrYVdGdVlTQlNlV1JsY2csLC4wAAAAAAAA/pwsharpbrush.medium.png[/img][hr][hr][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/a756c0d4d0ad3fc212a5a9b1cd7ce9a5/tumblr_nsqr4qGbSX1s51f5to2_500.png[/img][hr][hr]Interacting with: [color=gray]Oberon ([@LovelyAnastasia])[/color][hr][hr][/center] Getting up was no easy task. The difficulty was partially due to the gorgeous mass of muscle she happened to have an arm thrown over, and also due to the very little amount of sleep she had gotten. The body she was pressed against was, of course, William's, and she took a second to gaze at him - mesmerised. Instead of waking the boy with a kiss, Indiana decided to leave him be as she slid out of bed completely naked. It didn't bother her to be so vulnerable, for every part of her to be visible; and, as if to display her lack of concern, she stood gazing out of the window for a second before getting ready for the day ahead. As she usually did when she stayed the night, Indie got washed and dressed in William's en suite. It didn't surprise her that when she emerged from the bathroom again, he was gone. She knew he liked to be at school bright and early - mainly to see how high he could get before classes started. She would walk, then. Again. Surprisingly, the blonde managed to arrive on the premises just on time. Indiana's icy gaze was just sweeping over her new class as the bell rang. There didn't seem to be very many seats alone anymore - much to her disappointment. Maybe It was a good thing, though. Maybe she could get someone to show her around. That idea went out the door as soon as she had finished regarding the class, however. There seemed to just be a bunch of introverts and 'misunderstood' kids surrounding her. Indiana was dangerously close to just giving up hope and just walking out when her eyes fell on one familiar face. It was the boy in the shadows, the one she had stopped to stare at yesterday. Taking a second to look down at her clothing, which consisted of a ridiculously sheer black top and leather skirt that most likely broke every single dress code the school had, she strode across the class and settled herself in a seat beside him. Instead of the usual 'hello' introduction bullshit, Indie leaned back against her seat and stared at the guy. The only part of her that moved was her mouth as she chewed her strawberry gum carelessly. It was only as the boy wrote his name that she bothered to move, shooting a glance at his paper before writing down her own name in her usual scrawled handwriting. She half-heartedly sketched smoke curling around the letters in a devilish sort of hug before sitting back again with her arms crossed. [i]Oberon. What a strange name.[/i] The fact that they were then told to crumple up the paper caused Indiana to raise a brow. Always one for theatrics, the blonde pulled a small black lighter and, part of her hoping that the teacher wouldn't notice, set fire to her name. It wasn't until the flames licked at her fingers that she blew it out. She watched in sullen silence as the class moved on, now playing some 'truth or lie' game that Indiana couldn't care less about. Paying no heed to what the teacher was actually saying, Indie turned to Oberon once more and let her eyes wander over him lazily, a smile and genuine smile appeared on her lips. [center] "You're very pretty for a boy." [/center]