Katherin looked up when a laugh went through the PA system. She frowned. That didnt sound good. No one but the office staff should have access to that. Sure there could be someone who's ability included manipulating electronics but she had a bad feeling that this wasn't a student playing a jock. She looked around. Were they being attacked again? If so where were the attackers? Should she had to the office? While her confidence in her powers was better it wasn't great. She still wasn't sure that she could be much help. Still she wouldn't let that stop her from doing what she could. [hr] Griffin pushed Zack back. There was no way that laugh didnt mean trouble. [i]"Get back by the box."[/i] He growled at his brother. He didnt want Zack present while he fought. Yes his brother had come a long way since their kidnapping. But it was still his job to protect Zack and he would do that no matter what it took. He wouldn't but his brother in the box unless he needed to. Neither of them liked the box but it was a necessary evil. He would use it if there was a fight.