Rosline turned to him and smiled. [color=9966cc]"He didn't waste time at all. I was wondering if you wanted to go for a ride or a walk."[/color] She looked up at his face as her smile got a little smaller but held through her nervousness. [color=9966CC]"It's been too long since we left castle grounds and wondered outside of the kingdom. Would you accompany me, my love?"[/color] Roz was worried he would have something that needed his attending today, but hoped he would go with her. She couldn't keep her secret from him for much longer. If she didn't tell him he would find out regardless. So she had to step up and face it sooner rather than later. [color=9966CC]"Also, did you know Crim and Seralth are back in the sky? It was glorious seeing them fly again. Almost makes me want to fly myself."[/color] Roz closed her eyes for a second imagining it then opened them and awaited his response. [color=9966CC]"Your company would be wonderful, if you have nothing needing your attention today."[/color] she added as a bit of a bribe.