[center][color=lightpink][h1][b]Sadie Hill[/b][/h1][/color] [img]http://www.wilsoninfo.com/lines/calligraphic-horizontal-line-1a.png[/img] [hider=Sadie Hill][img]http://www.childstarlets.com/captures/videocaps/abreslin/zombieland/abzomb49.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Outfit] [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=207000567]Majority of Outfit[/url] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/be/e7/8d/bee78dcb240dff41900a8e9c2db62d6c.jpg]socks[/url] [url=http://img.shein.com/images/shein.com/201606/1464829804689159283.jpg]overalls[/url] [/hider] Interacting with : The Class [img]http://www.wilsoninfo.com/lines/calligraphic-horizontal-line-1a.png[/img][/center] The rest of the carnival went smoothly for Sadie. She was able to talk to Ro, catch up with Lily, and get to know Wynona. When it was over Sadie went to the dance studio and practiced for a few hours. She then went home and spent the rest of the day reading, texting her friends, and getting ready for the next day. She decided to go to bed early in order to get up early again. As morning came around her alarm this time was the sunlight shining through her window. She quickly got ready as she did the day prior. She dug through her closet until she found the outfit she wanted to wear. She quickly got ready and grabbed her phone. She decided to send Lily a text trying to see if they happened to have the same class even though they would know soon either way. [center]To:Lily Sender:Sadie -[color=lightpink][i]"First day of school here we come. Whose your homeroom teacher?"[/i][/color][/center] She then swiftly moved to the kitchen where her mother was preparing one of Sadie's favorite breakfast meals. Strawberry Muffins. A simple recipe but they tasted wonderful. The girl savored each bite of the delicacy and put a few in her bag for lunch and a few more to share with her friends. Sadie and her family sat together and had breakfast each excited for what the day would bring. Even Micky who didn't particularly like school. When it came time to leave for school Sadie and Micky hopped into the family mini-van with their book bags and their mom pulled off towards the drop-off points. Once they arrived at the high school Sadie looked at the building that she would be at for a large part of her next four years. She hugged her mom bye and walked towards the entrance. Once she found her room she realized she may have arrived to early but that didn't really bother her. She chose her seat to be the one right in the front dead center. She really enjoyed school so much it seemed a little unnatural at times. She knew that there would be people to call her a teacher's pet or goody two shoes but right now she didn't care. School meant time to spend with your friends and to learn new things and gain life experiences. She had that annoyingly positive outlook on life. As her classmates poured in she was excited to see some people she knew and and others she didn't know. When the papers were passed out she wrote her name in a very pretty cursive format using a lighter pink pen. She drew a few flowers around the edges. When the teacher said to rip up the other paper she was confused but did as instructed ripping the paper into four pieces. At the start of the two truths one lie game she thought that it was definitely one of the more interesting ways a teacher could get the students to know each other. She listened and payed attention as the others took their turns with their statements and guesses. Sadie made sure she knew what she wanted to say before she would guess someones lie. The first boy that went up looked slightly familiar. She couldn't place it though. She didn't have a clue about what his lie might be so she stayed quiet. She listened as Poetry made her guess and felt bad for her friend that she had gotten it wrong. Then Wynona made a guess and was right. She thought the girl's three statements were all interesting, but Sadie didn't know her that well and couldn't really figure out what the lie was. She thought it was most likely the thing about her not having siblings but before she could say anything Amelia guessed it. Sadie felt she'd be able to get Amelia's but when the girl made her statements it shocked Sadie. She was scared to try and say anything. She was now super worried for her friend. When a boy from the back made a guess Sadie looked at Amelia with a worried expression on her face. Once Amelia sat back down Sadie turned back to the front of the classroom. As the boy made his statements Sadie was about to make a guess before someone else got it right. The girl walked to the front of the class and Sadie wondered why she was wearing sunglasses. Then, low and behold, the girl used that as one of her statements. Sadie decided she would try and get this one before anyone else could. Sadie assumed that the sunglasses thing was true seeing as if she didn't have permission to wear them the school wouldn't allow it. She thought about the candy and figured it must be true since it would be just plain rude to say something like that, and the girl standing in front of the class didn't seem rude at all. So, Sadie raised her hand and said, [color=lightpink]"Is the lie that you have a boyfriend?"[/color] Sadie was excited that she guessed right. She had a big smile on her face. When she stood in front of the class she said, [color=lightpink]"Hi everyone. I'm Sadie Hill. I am so looking forward to these next four years with you all. So, for my two truths and a lie. I love dancing, I've lived here since I was born, and I'll make any kind of baked treat for anyone who wants one."[/color] Sadie's smile was so big at this point. To those who knew her the lie was obviously about her living here since she was born. She hoped that her friends would give the others a chance to guess it though.