[@HeySeuss][@McHaggis][@vietmyke][@Mercenary Lord][@Draken][@AlexStarsion][@Mike73] [indent]Hey Guys. It's taken me awhile to actually get back to y'all but I figured now is better than never. So in the long list of things that could go wrong a lot of things went wrong in the [b]Worst Two Weeks of Life[sup]TM[/sup][/b]. There was a death in the family, a five year old relationship came to an end as her and I realized that our lives were soaring forward in two entirely different directions and to round it all out the apartment building that I lived in got condemned because of deadly mold. So currently I need some time to sort things out and try and restructure. Currently I barely have enough time to sleep let alone set an hour aside to work on a post. I basically just don't have time for the Guild right now. So it is with a heavy heart that I must hang up my hat for now. But before I vanish for an indeterminate amount of time, I would like to thank you all for taking a chance on a stupid idea. For embracing said stupid idea with a level of passion and excitement that is truly awe inspiring in the best way possible. And maybe in the future when I have time again and my life isn't a complete and utter mess. Maybe I'll try out this stupid idea again and maybe you'll want to give it another chance. But for now. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.[/indent] [center][img]http://www.sharegif.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/marty-mcflydoc-brownback-to-the-futuregoodbye.gif[/img][/center]