[color=f26522][h3][center]~Shina~[/center][/h3][/color] [@Vocab] [@Natsu] [@Dash375] [@Raineh Daze] The trek to the girl who was missing her cat was a short one, though not entirely entertaining. Boring, mostly, consisting of small conversation between the others. For the most part, she remained silent. None of the conversations were all that interesting. At least, not for her anyways. That said, she was supposed to be looking after Akio, and she wasn't one to shirk duties given to her even if she avoided having duties in the first place. Which was why she was currently staying well rather close to the kid. When the unknown woman walked up asking if he was human, Shina immediately became suspicious. She walked over, standing next to Akio as she gave the woman a small glare. [color=f26522]"Yeah, he's a human."[/color] She said, voice indicating clear hostility towards this unknown. [color=f26522]"Why you asking?"[/color] Simple question that should receive a simple answer if this woman was reputable at all. For now, the cat was shoved to the back of her mind. Seth and the others could handle the details for now and fill her in after she dealt with...whoever this woman was. She was obviously likely not human herself, judging from simply the way she carried herself. She may be wrong, of course but she was fairly certain she wasn't.