Cassius gave Minerva a stern look. "A Bounty Hunter and contract holder of the Regent says otherwise, but your title means little to me if my title is that of a thief to a simple knight." Cassius looked to Karn however. "Thank you by the way." He slightly bowed his head before proceeding to the interior, he found Garnet helping in the lower decks as they were patching damage from the fight up. Things were working well with her steady coordination. "Mr.Svent... Your arm..." Garnet placed her hand onto his right arm, healing it steadily. "Heh, I was so irritated, I must have forgot I was struck." Cassius chuckled. "That is no excuse to not take care of yourself." Garnet channeling a healing aura into his arm. She was finished in around fifteen seconds. It was clear that healing was more time consuming than others give credit for. But it just furthers the apparent convenience and justification of healing mixes. "Yeah, I know. But... Just seeing how you are..." Cassius exhaled at the worry. "You seem upset... Is something wrong?" Garnet tilted her head in concern. "Well... I accidentally struck Karn earlier. I was trying to help make the acting more... convincing... As someone who has been a hunter for a good chunk of my life... The stage fights seem less convincing. Then again... Nobles typically never seen a real fight till just recently. Fighting is hellish, scary even. But composure and composition is key..." Cassius took a breath. "I'm sure she knows you might not have meant it." Garnet assured. "Let's hope so, else it will be a long trip for all of us." Cassius yawned into his hand tiredly. Garnet's first thoughts were as follows. [i]"He must have really done a lot... He puts up a good front... But I can see a scared man, one who wants to do good, yet... There is a piece missing... He does hold a lot of tools... Maybe he isn't natively good with Martial Ability...?[/i] She of course tried to give a smile. "You just need a good rest." "Ooh... Some Knight jumped aboard to see you. Her goal is to protect you, so I'll allow her. She'd do a better job of it up close... I'm not exactly... The best swordsmen." Cassius muttered. "You must mean Minerva... I feel absolutely dreadful for not being honest to her that I wanted to leave." Garnet twiddled her fingers slightly in response to the thought, Cassius picked up on her nervous responses in her bodily motions. "No one could understand the weight of your request to leave. I just hope we can arrive safely." Cassius nodded his head before handing her the Buccaneer like hat he wore. Garnet chuckled as she placed it on. Her hair seeming to fit just fine. She found herself giggling slightly... She was truly humored in an otherwise scary situation. Baku came down to see her laughter, he could not help but grin a bit, Cassius bowed his head before walking over to see what Baku needed. "You did good lad, the smile on her face says it all... And everyone else did good at fighting by the way it seems... But, what happened on deck if I may ask? The stage?" Baku rolled his shoulders. "Karn hit the bomb into Beatrix, Beatrix was busy trying to repel the swords-women's attacks... And Hitori with Ritsu shattered the bomb enough for me to shoot it's core. So... Bit of a team fight. Honestly... I am glad Karn was able and willing to fight that bomb. It made things a lot easier..." Cassius evaluated it was possible to deal with Beatrix, but if the bomb went off, the ship would have been totaled. "Sounds like Wylde did a number on Beatrix." Baku grinned. "I feel bad for not knowing her name." Cassius blinked. "Ya know lad, you leaped a lot today, but it is okay to take some social leaps too, But get some rest boy. I can tell you're tired... But who is Hitori if I may pry?" Cassius chuckled. "Hitori is a dear friend of mine who helped me when I had no one else. I can tell you more of that story when I am less ready to drop from exhaustion." Cassius shook Baku's hand before receiving a pat on the back. "Feel free to use a Guest Room. The girls have their own room, Men have Barracks, I have a water bed." Baku chuckled. "Aaand a spare bed as well... Then again, so do the women... But have a good night." Baku gave a thumbs up before returning to the bridge where Monica held the steering wheel. She seemed very exhausted from the stressful situation, Baku took the wheel from her before giving a hoarse smile. "Go rest lassy..." Monica flailed her arms slightly. "Fiiine...Here is an energy Stimulate if you need a few extra hours to... Wellllll.... Function I guess?" "Las, just get some rest." Baku barked, in which case she handed him a capsule. Monica retreated to the Women's quarters, It was a rather large eight bedded room with rather nice sheets. Like always, she stayed in the middle, she began to undo her overalls and just began to lounge in her bed, wearing dark shorts and a flowy shirt, she simply reclined before saying a silent prayer that everything would go well. Cassius was in his special room... It could be assumed that it was due to Baku not trusting him, or he did and understood not to mix his tools with their own... But he could tell Ritsu took care of it, there was flowers waiting for him. Cassius removed his mask as he began to strip of his armor and layers of clothing... Going as Far as to place his tools away neatly. Under his Hunter's garb, he had a sterile skintight suit. He removed that before reclining into the bed with his under garments and some form of a tanktop. A ponytail was set in a drawer with a set of glasses. He finally laid on his side under the linen blanket. He could feel there was a mixture of Cotton in it. Yet he wasn't sound asleep just yet.