[@arockysmith] Nagging insecurity. Brothers, as a rule. Tend to have an affection deficit in their lives. Especially towards themselves, which means they have a hard time not being validated, because they don't feel they can validate themselves. Opposite problem with chicks. The generic, bitchy one tend to be one who think they can validate themselves, not caring if its healthy or proper for them to do so. Girls heal = Shift, cover, deflect, blanket "This is a problem. No wait. no it isn't. You're the problem. You're just a dickless loser" Platitude and manipulate if they heal outwards. Boys destroy= Critic, barrage, harrass, give up, punish "Oh shit, I was right. I DO SUCK. No, wait. I can still prove this wrong. She will see value in me" -rage and creep if they destroy outwards. At least, that's how I motherfucking. see sisters and brothers react on the ends of the spectrum. Individuals vary and all that jade.