[@ScreenAcne] I agree with what you said. He's told me he likes me, I've kindly declined, and instead of just being like "I don't think I can be friends since I have these feelings" he's like "oh, I'm going to win you over one day. you'll wanna date me soon." anyway, back to regular things. [@TheWindel] and [@ScreenAcne] step up to the plate. mood music for this: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Uee_mcxvrw]'I FINK U FREEKY' by DIE ANTWOORD[/url] Windel was dancing around in the club to the techno rap music playing. The bass had just dropped and she was losing her shit. Everyone was bumping into each other and the flashing lights didn't help. Everyone had some type of glow stick and the party was hype. Windel was in the middle of whipping their hair back and forth when Screen seemed to appear out of nowhere. He'd been watching Windel from afar most of the night and finally got the courage to talk to them. The music had stopped for a bit as the DJ went to the bathroom so they could finally talk. "What's good my mother fucker?" Screen asked with a smile. Windel cocked their head to the side before smiling, "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Screen chuckled as he held his hand out for introduction and Windel did the same, "Where do you think my mouth came from," he said. "I didn't even notice you standing there, I'm sorry. I was so into the music. Die Antwoord is like my favorite band," Windel said cheerfully. "Aint no thing to sweat, sweet thang," Screen replied as the DJ came back. "Looks like the music is about to start, lets dance," Windel said grabbing Screen by the arm and jumping up and down to the beat. The two of them had been on the dance floor hours before they finally gave into the urges of rave butt touching. Touching someones butt was a sign of friendship in their community, but rave butt touching was always more. It had a more intimate feel because even though you would reach for the other person butt, you could wind up touching something else. It all relied on trust, which these two seemed to have in an instant. The spark between them was so electric the whole party could feel it. "I FINK YOU FREEKY AND I LIKE YOU A LOT" Windel sang with the song. It wasn't long before Screen joined in. They weren't sure if it was the music, or if their souls just connected on that specific wave length, but it was like they had known each other forever. Pretty soon the one handed butt touching turned into a two handed grab and as their bodies jumped around in sync the other people at the party couldn't help but be envious of the two. It was the moment both of them had always imagined their two handed butt grab would go. The music slowly began to get louder and they drifted off together in their minds, as their hands were planted firmly on the others ass.