[centre] The red dust exploded and in this moments of confusion created by it, Vlad was relieved he had finally left this unfairly powerful woman behind. But this moment of relief was short and cracking wood and a loud explosion broke it. Something heavy landed in front of Vlad, creating a small crater and sending dirt all over the place. The witch nearly lost his balance and barely managed to not fall down. [color=a0410d][i]"What the?...."[/i][/color] and his thoughts were quickly answered when he felt that presence he felt before, that of that huge man before. And that woman was standing there as well. Vlad's options were getting fewer and fewer, did he really had to resort to [b][i]that[/i][/b] this early? And his scars were even more painful then before, making it very difficult to think straight. This feeling of helplessness frustrated him so much he could cry. It made him so angry that he didn't care and just would turn everything to cinders. He channeled his remaining energy into his fists but before anything could happen and still being lost in rage, two hands caught him in a powerful iron grip, with enough power that it blocked most of the energy flowing through Vlad's arms. It was that huge man, this time next to him. The man gave him some intimidating words about breaking his arms if he tried anything, which looking at how easily he could keep Vlad restrained, wasn't hard to believe. But before the witch could say anything, he suddenly stopped moving. His eyes were wide open before fading away into the eyesockets and his head falling backwards and his body lifelessly hanging in the man's grip. His scars were vividly red and slightly glowing. This always happened if Vlad used too much energy in a short amount of time or was heavily emotionally involved into something since that accident, two years ago. [/centre]