(With assistance from [@The Kid Lantern]) The opening attack hit its mark, and the speedster was temporarily stunned. Emphasis on "temporarily", for the speedster was back on his feet in mere moments. He then literally ran circles around them, until the force of his running began to suck away the air, leaving only a temporary vacuum within the vortex the Speedster created. The robot was, of course, completely uneffected. The metahuman he was attempting to rescue, on the other hand, was not so fortunate. Atom's CPU calculated a dangerously short time before the metahuman would die of asphyxiation. Even before the air began to leave the area, Atom's internal computer was already calculating a precise attack that could stop the speedster in his tracks. All it required was a moment to charge up the Atomic Cannon. That, however, would not guarantee the survival of the fire-type metahuman, as there was no guarantee that the Atomic Cannon could charge fully before he suffocated to death. Adhering to the First Law, Atom reached a robotic hand over to his current comrade and firmly but gently grabbed their shoulder, "Thrusters: full throttle." and with that command, his own jet boosters rocketed the pair straight upward. The vacuum the Speedster created worked like a tornado, appearing like a funnel of wind with a single clear opening straight up, which was where the two flew to. The Speedster's vortex pulled Atom down like an intensified gravitational pull, but Atom didn't need to fully escape, just get far enough that his metahuman compatriot could breath once more and escape on their own. The robot himself was at no risk, having no lungs that required oxygen was one of the "perks" of being a machine in this situation. "Thanks for the assist. Is that somebody else floating toward the super Nazi?" asked the Torch still being held in the air by the machine man. Moments later the armored nuclear man struck at the speedster with power and precision. What happened next was the metahuman equivalent of a chicken running around with it's head cut off. The body zigged and zagged and finally ran into a building and fell to the ground. Atom's scanners detected the death of the speedster, "Target: terminated." he reported, though not really to the Torch. In fact it wasn't that hard to tell that the robot was in contact with someone else during the whole affair.