So conceptual weapon users... [url=]How about a reverse trap living doll?[/url] Amaryllis is the fourth doll built by the mage Mirafey Ayame. Born from a Japanese-French mage family based in Kyoto, Ayame was filled with the knowledge of dollcrafting, a signature skill of her family. However, she was, and still is, sickly and frail, largely unable to care for herself or her own home. And so she devoted her abilities to making Dolls who could do these things for her. The first doll she made was a maid, whom she called Lavandula. Lavandula, while advanced in construction, was simple in that she lacked an ability to learn outside of her specifications and was highly unexpressive. The second Doll aimed to remedy the lack of expressiveness and was more versatile. Goldibanne, an administrative doll, was built to run Ayame's mansion and perform a wider variety of actions, though her learning capacity was still limited. She is much more expressive as well, but possesses a wide sadistic streak in spite of her sweet-seeming attitude. The next doll was Silvabelle, who was designed purely for combat. Silvabelle is excellent in combat but fails to address anything else and even needs assistance dressing. Finally, deciding she required a guard for outside as well as a gardener, Ayame created Amaryllis. She gave Amaryllis a relic of the Mirafey family, a pair of shears designed to only cut life, and set her to work. Amaryllis is a living doll, an animated inanimate object powered by an infusion of mana into her frame. She is exceptionally durable and extremely fast, able to react very quickly to attacks. If she is damaged, she can be repaired, though she cannot repair herself and requires assistance from someone who knows you to fix dolls. Amaryllis's huge pair of shears are no simple gardening tool. Slaughter Edge is a conceptual weapon created in order to attack life specifically(thus the name). It is capable of ignoring inanimate objects, passing through them as if they did not exist, and cutting only living things. The shears cannot interact with nonliving objects, and therefore they cannot be used to block. Sufficiently magical or otherwise supernatural objects can interact with it, though enough blows will eventually allow Slaughter Edge to pass through them.