Aki Tamashiro otherwise known as Alpha 1 in Fenrir far east branch stirred awake she remembered she was chasing a hannibal type aragami that was in the city of mercy. It also ran from her never stopping to fight which was odd by itself. Cornering it she was about to devour it and call it a day when a flash of light appeared stunning her due to the intensity it gave. Taking a look of her of her given area she could tell she was in a hollowed out log of some type leading towards a forest. Though on the opposite was a large open field with that said Aki took to the field heading out her god arc gripped tightly in her hands she headed out. It was than as if by some law of nature aragami appeared small skeleton like creatures lacking the large black flesh of most others. Still they fell like the rest each skeleton type aragami was quick to fall to the blade of her god arc. Though as she dashed forward through the field a large walled settlement of sorts was quick to come into view due to the speeds she was travelling. Though she quickly had to side step away from a large flying plant like aragami the skeletons was weaker than both Zygotes and Ogretails. This flying one however seemed to be as annoying as Zygotes due to its ability of flight. With a pull and a twist of the handle she quickly switched to the gun mode of her god arc. Loading her fire type ammo she released a stream of flames at the plant aragami. Seeing as it feel engulfed in flames she switched back to blade form of her god arc and charged once more it didn't take long to reach the out walls of the settlement. Though she noticed one thing wrong it was way to small to be a settlement and had no iron doors or gates to keep out aragami. Seemingly abandoned she looked around and spotted what she figured was probably the actual settlement considering its massive size and stone walls. Stone was not something often used but perhaps it was just a out layer of sorts with that said she started to go towards that area. Keeping her eyes out for any more attacks she left her enhanced speed easily allowing her to travel the great distance with near ease. Though in the middle of what quickly became routine of striking down yet another skeleton aragami she saw two people in the distance on what seemed to be horses but didn't they go extinct upon the advent of the aragami. [color=0054a6]"Ah hello there"[/color] Aki said waving the travellers over a male with a base baseball cap and a young teen. [color=0054a6]"Please its not safe out with these aragami please follow me as a God Eater ill do my best to protect you."[/color] She stated as she tried to explain either way they were civilians and it was her job to protect them. [@Scarifar][@ProPro]