[center] [color=gold][h1]Nyxx Hollow[/h1][/color][/center] [@dabombjk][@Laach] With that sudden outburst of the way Nyxx went back to being a perfectly functioning half zombie, complete with grunting and groggy moans which was good because OZ was navigating anyway, so that meant all she had to do was follow which was great in her book. OZ seemed to be a bit of a know-it-all and thought quite highly of himself, this was probably the only thing Nyxx actually observed while practicing her ‘sleep walking’; all in all, she was an ok person to say the least and would be the perfect amount of ‘go getter’ they would need to progress through life as trainers. Nothing but incoherent mumbles could be heard from Nyxx ever since they left town as she formulated her own opinions and attempted to share them. An incident at the pokemart left her a little bitter as her switch was flipped when the store clerk was attempting to smooth talk his way into over charging them. Putting her foot on the counter her and the clerk argued back and forth over the cost of the items in question before eventually she won and her switch was flipped back off. During which her brain shuts down from over exertion completely negated her need to breath so her spit sort of just collected in her mouth like a bird bath until OZ had the brilliant idea to make her swallow a super potion most of his getting in her eyes due to his horrid aim, how he could catch a Pokémon was beyond her. The stinging pain from her eyes lead to her releasing both Bunneary and Swablu who reeked complete havoc in the mart fighting until they were all kicked out and were issued a permeate ban. Needless to say her morning had been horrid OZ and Kyle both annoyed her equally, but alls well that ends well or something like that. Once the idea of a break was issued Nyxx didn’t give Kyle the chance to say anything before falling down on her fact and taking a suede nap, she didn’t have anything to eat so sleeping was the next best option.