[h1][color=black][b]-Looking at her-[/b][/color][/h1] [center][hider][img]https://cache.fighters.io/jogos/renders/1793/Kukri.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] As far as Hikaru was concerned, only two things were certain in Sword Art Online: Death and Nyxie's ass. Everyone in the Brotherhood praised the Grand Master for being the most strong-willed member in the guild. That her very presence commanded respect and admiration. Sycophants aside, Vegnya had to be a special kind of lady to build what they stood in and recruit whom they once fought with. But, Nyxie was another kind of woman. An [i]Iron Maiden[/i] whose resolve was unstoppable once she made up her mind. She confessed to have a hopeful fantasy of the two sharing a future together. Hikaru tilted his head, unexpectedly puzzled at this. He felt too familiar with Nyxie, hell, why else would he affectionately butcher her name? He averted his gaze, eyes searching nowhere in particular. Memories of this lovely woman felt...scarce. Why? Images flashed in his mind's eye, blissful times they shared together, days of dungeon crawling, even a night when he savored the light in her eyes as he activated the «Moral Code Removal». Images, sadly, was all he had. Like photographs, they only captured a second of the most precious moments. Something was wrong. Hikaru returned his attention to Nyx, oblivious to how she got close enough to stroke his face. Not that he had any complaints. [color=dimgray]"I can't let you go. So just stop this now... Before one or both of us gets killed here. Is that what you want? If it is...We'll get to see which of us is sexier with a sword in their chest."[/color] Hikaru had the perfect comeback prepared, but locking lips with Nyxie, even if the for last time, had to be postponed due to a savage case of cockblockery. [color=662d91]"Somehow I don't think this is really the time to be doing that, Noya."[/color] said one more person of no consequence. Actually wait, did he share drinks with this guy once? [color=black]"Noya,"[/color] Hikaru sighed disappointingly. [color=black]"I had no problems with you. I thought you were actually cool. You minded your own business, your Breaker's actually funny, and not once did you make the mistake of mocking me. Until now. To top it off, you ruin a potentially bitter-sweet goodbye, in front of all these people. Yes, I see you, okay? My «Searching» skills have been maxed out. King of the Skies? Hi, your music box is in my room, you can have it back, I'm done here. I can seeeeee eeeeeeevery siiiiiingle oooooooone ooooooof youuuuuuuu. Seriously, this is one stupid joke of a surprise attack. The only thing you've done is piss me off!"[/color] Hikaru turned to Nyx and gazed at her brilliant pair of Lapiz Lazulis. God, how she hated when he called her eyes that. [color=black]"You know I cannot stop this. There is a storm coming for us all, one that Vegnya failed to warn us about. I did what was necessary and cut away her pride, liberating us so that we could save ourselves. As you can see, the weak would not survive, and so I mercifully snuffed them out.[/color] He drew in closer, worry and uncertainty clear on his face. [color=black]"A future with you..."[/color] Hikaru shook his head. [color=black]"I would have loved for us to escape this place, this damn prison. But there is something I [u]must[/u] do...for our sake. I can't explain it right now, but this will all be over soon, I promise you that. Until that time comes, I'll be thinking about you."[/color] With that he leaned forward and closed his eyes. [color=black][i]I love it when you gloss.[/i][/color] Now.... [color=black]"As for the rest of you...NO, NOYA YOU LISTEN TO ME! YOU WERE NOT HERE AT THE BEGINNING AWF THIS ROMANCE SCENE! YOU DID NOT HEAR NOR RECORD ANY OF THIS SCENE--do you understand? DO YOU UNDERSTAND? YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY ASK ME TO OFF MYSELF WITHOUT WORKING HARD ENOUGH TO TAKE ME OUT! Come on, Brothers! I'll take all of you at once! I'll show you who is truly deserving of the title of Grand Master!"[/color] Hikaru materialized a double-edged broadsword, shifting into a two handed stance. [color=black]"Let's see if any of you were worth saving."[/color] [center][color=black][b] Hikaru || Disrespected: A few || Players Directly Involved: [@OneWayOut][@ColorMeEvil][@Rekaigan] [@Grey][/b][/color][/center]