Mohs Town. [i]An interesting place I must say...[/i] Thought the young vagabond girl. [i]Yes...Very...Very interesting...[/i] She was growing bored out of her mind, maybe it was the part of town she was in, or the maybe she was missing or had missed something...who knows. For now, Simone was just looking around, eying the stones while toying with her own, and at the same time, glancing at all she could. She was a fantastic multitask-er. She came here do to the rumors she had already forgotten, but heck, this was probably most likely not like those rumors, maybe! Who knows? Though, she must say, they're are some very [color=39b54a]c[color=6ecff6]o[color=ed1c24]l[color=f7941d]o[color=fff200]r[color=662d91]f[color=ec008c]u[color=ed145b]l[/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/color] people around! Almost....literally.