A series of facial gestures formed on Nate's face while it appeared he was, most likely, in deep thought and/or conversation with himself before re-entering the mine to find Eric. Vin shook his head and wondered why he’d ever agreed to hang this long. Maybe the kid was growing on him in some morbidly perverse way that he’d almost rather have him around than not, or perhaps Nate was actually the sane one in the group and the rest of them were losing their minds. Either way, as Nate once again entered the mine shaft, Vin was staring over at Jennifer who seemed to be pained by something judging by her grim expression. In all honesty, he just didn’t know how to comfort someone who’d been through so much in such a small amount of time. Social interactions with people were very surface at most, and those with the women were more about how he could get them into bed without committing to anything long term. But Vin knew those games were over, at least for now, and fucking with someone’s feelings when they were already down in the gutter wasn’t the best course of action. He and Jennifer had been through too much already for anything stupid and selfish to get in their way, and what was needed now was an understanding. Vincent was just about to open his mouth in response to Jennifer’s unspoken words, until Nate came marching out with a few of his clones in tow, armed with guns and that trademark smug look about them. “Well now where the hell are you all off to?” Vin asked, as the [i]Nates[/i] headed toward the woods. “Great. First Eli, now Nate.” He grumbled, as Jennifer finally walked over to him wanting to talk, her voice taking on an almost dark tone that didn’t sit well with him. He knew anytime a woman started off a conversation with “Can I talk to you?”, nothing good was going to follow that question. And he was right. “So...you do realize it was a dream, right babe? I mean, you don’t seriously think-” Vin paused, staring past Jennifer as he let her words sink into his mind, and his own thoughts flashed to the nightmare which put her directly in the line of danger...and death. A horrible and wicked death that he’d never have imagined, yet it was his own gift -his curse as it was- that caused her demise. He wanted to hold her at that point, to hug her, reassure her that he wasn’t the sadistic murdering bastard the his own nightmares made him out to be. But she didn’t know about the dream he’d had, she didn’t know of th e horrors that he’d witnessed, and even though he wanted to tell her what really happened in that nightmare, it would only validate her concerns, pushing them further away from one another. “We need to work together on this Jennifer.” He finally said, staring into her eyes with a look of intent. “We can’t...we [i]won’t[/i] allow these damn thoughts to invade and deceive us, to tear us apart like nothing we’ve done up to this point mattered. It all matters, and to allow our own paranoia to get in the way would be suicide.”