Megan gave Nate a devious grin in response to his warning, yeah whatever. Her eyes shifted to Brook briefly as she talked, then rolled away. Airhead. Megan turned to Maisy excitedly, [color=red]"So you wanna go sneak around? Where do you want to go first? Both the Light and Dark dorms seem like a good place to start. Hm..."[/color] She scanned those left in attendance and stopped on Leander, [color=red]"Hey!"[/color] She exclaimed, pointing at him. [color=red]"You could totally help us sneak around the light dorms so it seems more normal. Though if you don't want to you don't have to, we could do something else I guess. But you'll totally help, right?"[/color] Megan asked, with a confident smile. She was kinda pumped for this, it was good to have something to focus on after loosing the contest. Besides, she was defiantly curious to find out more about all this weird stuff. If they got caught they could just duel their way out at worst, it wasn't like they'd get in major trouble for snooping. Heck the teachers probably wouldn't care anyway.