[center][h2][color=a187be]Selene Cross[/color][/h2] [b]Location:[/b] Homeroom [b]Interactions:[/b] The class [/center] [hr] First try. That was good, Selene hadn't intended to stay up front for too long. She didn't know this other girl too well, but she seemed nice enough. But now was time to make good on her promise. First thing was reaching into her bag and dropping a handful of the wrapped candies onto Mrs. Wayne's desk. Then, moving between the seats to give everyone else some candy. So many people seemed to desire just hiding behind their backpacks and hoods. Selene offered a smile to each of them along with the sweets. Schools could be scary, but it was always what one made of it. She paused by two students - the one yesterday who had called them amateurs, and a boy in darker clothing. It seemed like she had interrupted a conversation. She just shook her head, put the candy on their desks, and kept going until she returned to her desk - now the only one without a wrapped caramel on it. Hopefully, no one was allergic or diabetic.