[quote=@Rin] [@Raineh Daze]That's number three. XD [@AtomicNut]Oh please, they would fear [i]her[/i] if she ever actually needed to go to one. >.> But yeah, stuff I'd been joking around about with Vita that may actually be canon to Yuina now but... [hider=SECRET LORE] So basically around 25 years ago there used to be this delinquent named Ryoko in the Imaginary District, whose exploits were so legendary that she became known as things like The She-Devil of Miura and Ryoko the Demon Hair. Nowadays, younger delinquents are still inspired by her whilst some of the older residents still twitch in fear at the very mention of her name, but for some reason she seemed to drop completely off the radar around 18 years ago. Then again, a lot of people didn't seem to realize that her surname had changed to "Fujioka" around that time... [/hider] [/quote] Also this is completely canon, so no "may actuallys". It's definitelys.