[center][img]http://www.wilsoninfo.com/lines/calligraphic-horizontal-line-1b.png[/img][/center][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LEjoCsS.png[/img][/center] [center]Location: Homeroom [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=206872103]Outfit[/url] Interacting with: No one now[/center] [center][img]http://www.wilsoninfo.com/lines/calligraphic-horizontal-line-1b.png[/img][/center] Nathaniel's gave was downward throughout his short trip to the front of the class, waiting for the right answer and pleading in him mind that it would come. Unfortunately, the first attempt failed by a girl who seemed a bit more enthusiastic than he was, and he had to shake his head no to notify them that it was wrong. A few short moments felt like an eternity... Until suddenly someone guessed it right, making Nathan give a short and happy sigh of relief as he rushed back to his chair. To him, that was dreadful, and he felt like he embarrassed himself in front of the class because of it. Even though it was over for him, he still felt the sting of anxiety that had occurred. In his seat, he didn't pay attention to the next couple of people going, instead he simply put in his earbuds in to drown out the rest of the class period. It was social things, learning about classmates that he felt he'd be able to observe in homeroom anyway, so why spoil some of the surprises. Then again, that was just a cheap excuse for him to listen to music, but he ignored that thought as well. Instead, he looked around the room to see if any of the Faoláins from yesterday were here, and he gave a very minimal frown when he couldn't spot them. He wasn't sure how he felt about any of them right now, even if they did spend yesterday at the carnival together... excluding the sister. He supposed it was just because he wasn't used to interacting with them, and yet he felt somewhat off that they weren't here. Perhaps they had a different homeroom... [center][img]http://hearthstone.blizzplanet.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/hearthstone-hr.png[/img][/center][center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/J1AOl7nnuoJJYYesFme59njCj1GmcIqqS6WYhlViP1FSFz_ceoggTLDVq0qF8qY4-8hn-y7whw=w2484-h4416-no[/img] Location: Home --> Homeroom [url=http://www.polyvore.com/blakes_outfit/set?id=206872254]Outfit[/url] Interactions with: Sadie Hill [@alexfangtalon] [/center] [center][img]http://hearthstone.blizzplanet.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/hearthstone-hr.png[/img][/center] The day at the carnival was a rather exciting one for Blake. On the ferris wheel, he felt a rush of happiness as he sat next to two of his friends, one on each side of him. You couldn't find people like them anywhere else, and together they were touching the sky. And afterward, he got to try an elephant ear, part ways with them when the carnival ended, and head to the studio where he practiced some dance routines. In the end, he considered it a successful day, one that he would cherish for years to come... [hr] Blake's eyes flickered as he slowly awakened today, the aroma of breakfast cooking upstairs penetrating his senses and enticing him to awaken and get ready for school. It was a much more calm way to wake up then an alarm, and while he did lose out on several minutes more of sleep, he eagerly turned off his alarm so that it wouldn't disturb the tranquility that he was experiencing in his room. Unfortunately for Blake, this peace wouldn't last for long as his stomach rumbled like a volcano, causing his eyes to widen as they stared upward at the ceiling, being the last convincing evidence to him that it was time to wake up. Pulling himself away from bed, he stretched for a bit before proceeding to get ready. Around ten minutes later or so, and Blake was ready to head upstairs and face the day. Or rather, face the breakfast that his aunt must have been preparing. But to his surprise, he found both her and his mother there. It had been a couple weeks since Blake had actually seen one of his parents, let alone one of them helping his aunt... Or, looking at the situation, it seemed she was just waiting for food before work, similar to him. "Sharla, hurry it up and finish already. I don't have all day for this. You should be faster with all the free time you get from lounging around here all damn day." His mother demanded, most likely in a rush to get to the hospital. Or maybe, it was a rush to get away from Blake, but he didn't know. But it made him sink downstairs, avoiding her like the plague and being somewhat grateful that she didn't notice him. Not like they ever did anyway. It was only a short wait for him, and when he heard the door slam from upstairs he knew his mom had finally left, allowing him to come upstairs and back into the kitchen. He found his aunt eating some of the souffles she had cooked. She looked up and spotted Blake, giving a smile and gesturing for him to take a seat and eat as well. And while he did so, he looked at her with a serious face, concerned for his aunt. [color=#f7cac9]"You know, you don't have to take that from her."[/color] He told her, to which she looked back at him in surprise. "I don't know what you mean." She said innocently, to which he shook his head. [color=#f7cac9]"Of course you know what I mean. Ciara is always like that with you."[/color] "Oh, she's my sister. I'm sure watching people in pain or sick all day doesn't help her much." [color=#f7cac9]"But Ryan is the same too."[/color] "This isn't like the Blake I know. It's fine, they're letting me live her so long as I clean and cook, do laundry, etc. I can take a little bit of sass from them now and again." [color=#f7cac9]"Sharla, I..."[/color] "Hush. Eat your breakfast, and I'll take you to school. Your parents are grateful for what I do, they just have a hard time of showing it." He tried to not let that affect him as he entered the classroom, taking a deep breath and putting on his friendly smile that he adorned so well. It was just another event at home, something minuscule that he didn't need to let it get to him. Instead, he focused on the positives today. It was the first day of school! And as he took a seat, he noticed several familiar faces in the homeroom too. It got him excited for the school year, which probably made him the odd one out of the rest, but he didn't care. Today was his first day of high school, and he was going to make sure that it was a good one. When it came time to decorate his name tag paper, he made sure to put on it the theater masks, which are also known as the comedy/tragedy masks, on it, along with various musical notes and what looked like a man dancing. It was just a simple stick figure as he wasn't the best when it came to art, but he felt that it got his point across. And when the game started, Blake was listening to each and every response so that he could understand everyone. When it was Sadie's turn, Blake's smile intensified. He had known Sadie thanks to her brother Alex, whom he saw as an inspiration in the acting realm. They had even managed to preform together sometimes, and because of that he met Sadie. She also liked to dance too, so whenever he would meet her at the dance studio it was always a fun time. He really wanted to spot the lie and say it, but he felt that would ruin the fun of this game. So, while he waited for someone else to respond, he also nodded at her to say that he knew what it was on the off chance no one else would reply.