[colour=8dc73f][h1][center]Aamuu[/center][/h1][/colour] Waiting for Yuina's relply, she heard Styx talking to her. [color=8dc73f]"I am not perched I...[/color] she began to protest when suddenly something grabbed her by her waist, a firm grip lifted her, putting her on his shoulder [color=8dc73f]"Wha-??"[/color] she gasped, surprised. Then she realized that she was, in fact, still on top of Sho. [color=8dc73f]"I completely forgot that I was on top of you... Do you mind if I... stay here?"[/color] She asked Sho, blushing. While waiting for his answer, an elegant car stopped, a strange man in a business suit walked out of it, with an air of superiority. Leaning forward on Sho's shoulder, she let a rather indiscreet sigh out, with a comment [color=8dc73f]"Ugh... A businessman... Never liked those shady bunch. They always act like they are all high and mighty, always thinking about money..."[/color] She said, throwing the businessman a cold stare. [color=8dc73f]"You are already disrupting it.[/color] She said. [color=8dc73f]"What have you done to your poor assistant for her to be so panicky?[/color] She said, looking around, trying to find her. Her eyes met the weird signpost, it was... trembling, sweating and it had... [color=8dc73f]"Why does that signpost has boobs?[/color] She thought out loud, squinting her eyes and looking directly to the weird, sweating signpost. [@AtomicNut] [@ghastlyInc] [@Jedly]