[quote=@Flagg] Well, all of the cities of the Union are fairly autonomous, but Archeos more so, and it isn't ruled by the Dratha. But it has been closely allied with the Union on and off and would be known to the Singing Hive folks as a haunted and particularly dangerous and mysterious place. It is known widely as the [i]Silent City[/i] and is ruled by an entity known as [i]the Silent King[/i], who is alternately rumored to be a demon or red god, a powerful sorcerer or necromancer, or something worse. Qux Many Eyed, introduced in gorgenmast's post, is his envoy to the Union. It would be safe to assume that Archeos has destroyed at least one Nyr'Kiin hive, and is more closely allied with Archmagister Khalul than with the Union as a whole. Not sure how much of that the Hive would know. Great post btw. [/quote] Honestly, as far as the Singing Hive would be concerned there probably isn't any appreciable different between Archeos and the rest of the cities in the Drathan Union.