Thanks for waiting, I am the least sweariest of the swearers (or, I'm trying to be. Weaning myself off a bad habit and all that noise), and I [i]am[/i] mostly just talking about myself. All right, let's see... have been roleplaying for four-ish years... did/doing some D&D... prefers small/medium sized groups... likes 1x1 well enough... da da da dat da dat da da da ya da... would happily put self in casual to advanced range... never into fandom rp involving canon characters... hmm, yeah that seems to be about it in terms of roleplay. I'm just up for whatever man, like weird formats and dice-systems and new things, I'm down for it. Also, can we just talk about what a delight Haikyuu!! is compared to the majority of super-hype sports anime? Bro, I could write an essay on how it's subverted so many bad sports anime tropes for the good of the world. Oh oh oh, or how about how Hamilton does verse storytelling so well in its songs? Broski, I love verse so much. Bruh, wait, how about Critical Role and the wonders of performance art conveyed using a tabletop game? OK, OK, I've said enough about my some of my fandoms, I'm done, I'm chill; if anyone reads this, you should not ask me to say anything because I will try to say everything and it will be [i]bad[/i], I am so bad at explaining ideas through text without at least a week's warning in advance. So, yes, will go now, joined the guild because I was lurking and wanted to join a RP, ta.