[center][h1][color=blue]EJ Porter[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [center]Location: Home and School (Homeroom)[/center] [hr] It was another night right after the festival where Ezera when home to chill and pull another all-nighter, talking to Amelia and watching music videos, the usual. Despite being late, Ezera could say that the highlight of the day was meeting with ones he was familiar with and meeting new interesting people he would soon call his class mates....some...he met that he would call class mates, he still had a whole school year to meet the others. He went to sleep at his usual time, 3:30 AM, waking up the next morning to the buzzing of his phone. He went to feel around for his phone that was laying next to him, shutting it off and looking up at it. With widened eyes, he grabbed his phone, bringing it closer to his face and brought his eyes to the clock that was on his nightstand noticing that the times were not wrong. Ezera was staring at time, read 6:52 AM, making him officially late waking up. The missed call on his phone from his grandma led him to believe she was checking if he was up but he didn't have time to talk to her. She was probably already out the house. He rushed to get himself ready. The house was quiet and both grandparents were not home. It usually took about 5 minutes to drive to his school but seeing he was going to have to run, he was probably going to miss the majority of his homeroom. Luck was sort of on his side when he noticed his neighbor, Miss Constance, who is quite nice and good looking for her age. He asked fro her to take him to school, leaving his house at 7:05 AM and making it to school at 7:12. He rushed through the entrance and looked at his schedule, leading him to Mrs. Wayne's class and cracking the door open to notice whatever exercise the class was doing. He knew he'd get noticed being late, trying to think of whatever excuse he could to explain his tardiness. He noticed the candy that everyone had and walked right in gulping a little, holding the strap of his backpack on his shoulder, looking for a seat, eyeing the ones he know that were sitting in the crowd and smirking. [@MissCapnCrunch][@RBYDark][@carla6677][@mskennedy615]