[hider=Xel'rath]Name: Xel'rath Appearance: Bathing sponge of doom Has been relegated to use as the Emperor of mankinds personal bathing sponge[/hider] [hider=Kyoko Tanno][b]Name:[/b] Kyoko Tanno [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d0/15/56/d01556f6b69dac2aaea7daa5878330b8.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Soft spoken, somewhat shy, tries to be polite when she can though this can sometimes backfire. Think every anime girl with glasses from every anime ever. [b]Abilities:[/b] Bio-matter Assimilation: She can 'eat' biomatter via various process, normally preferring to do so with dead biomatter though if it's small enough she can do so while it's alive though this does normally require it to be incapacitated or surprised in some way (by small enough, i mean human sized so something like a person or a tyranid hormogaunt.) and then digest it with the time depending on how big the creature was, allowing her to use it's biomass for her other abilities. Biological Adjustment: Normally manifesting in arm blades or other form of weaponry, she can also use this ability to make herself stronger, more durable, faster, etc. though she can also use it to heal someone else if she knows what their issue is, including turning back aging. Immense regeneration: does what it says on the tin, while capable of regenerating instantly from small (even if they are deep) wounds, regenerating a limb can take a few days, and if she's reduced to little more than a blood splat or 'meat football' as has been done to other characters, it can take to if not more than a month. It should be noted, however, that she can still FEEL wounds, so getting shot still hurts like a massive bitch even if it's not a very serious wound. It should be noted, however, that fire can drastically slow down her regeneration process, and while it doesn't kill her, being frozen solid does cause her to become comatose until thawed, also poisons can keep her from using her other abilities until they pass through her system though she can't be killed by them. Also, as a side note, while it doesn't neccessarily completely destroy her acid does serve as a good method of containment if it's strong enough due to the constant energy expenditure of regenerating from it making her rather sluggish though if she's kept in it too long she might adapt to it and break free unless the strength is constantly amped up. Soulessness: Due to her universe of origin, Kyoko is completely devoid of a soul and the capability to wield magic, rendering soular attacks completely useless. However, this does also mean that she has no defense to other kinds of magic due to not being able to learn things like barrier spells and counter magic or other forms of defensive things. This would also opt her out of an afterlife if she hadn't been immortal but since she is it doesn't really matter. [b]Equipment:[/b] Clothes, shoes, glasses, cellphone (most likely inoperable), and a laptop [b]Origin:[/b] Was just a normal girl up until about a week ago when she was slapped both with her new powers and into arcadia. She's since gotten used to them for the most part, though she still thinks of them as unsightly. [b]Theme Song:[/b] DO NOTE, THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXqbyHm6hX8[/youtube][/hider]