[center][color=ec008c]Hotaru/Dune City[/color][/center] [center][@Sho Minazuki][/center] [center][@Heckno12][/center] [center][@Sketcher][/center] [hider=Hotaru's Team] [hider=Zed] [img]http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen6/xy-animated/092.gif[/img] Ability [color=00aeef]Levitate[/color] Level 13 Size: Average Item N/A Moveset Hypnosis - Spite - Lick - Curse [/hider] [hider=Nephrite] [img]http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen6/xy-animated/228.gif[/img] ability [color=f7941d]Flash Fire[/color] Level 11 Size: Medium Item N/A Moveset Smog - Ember - Howl - Headbut [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] PokeWallet: Empty 4x[img]http://pldh.net/media/items/ball/pokeball.png[/img] 5x[img]http://pldh.net/media/items/heal/potion.png[/img] [/hider] She looked over to the sound of voices to find they belonged to her friends. Each one had their concerns and wondered if the authorities would be able to stop those goons. She doubted,... back in Hoenn despite all the chaos Team Magma and Aqua caused they still roamed free to do whatever they wanted. Sure a few grunts might get arrested here and there but they didnt remain behind bars long. No it would have to take a rough thorough ass kicking from them to shut this syndicate down. She wasnt strong enough for that though. I mean her pokemon only went up a level sense they were in there. That would not be enough to fight a entire gang. Gastly hasn't even learned nightshade yet. Until then he couldn't do much but put pokemon to sleep and houndour... well he was much better at combating but right now he was her only pokemon that could. She needed more right now. She would challenge the gym like everyone else... Then it occurred to her. How does a gym leader heal his or her pokemon after a match? Perhaps they have their own healing machine there. Perhaps after some sleep at the park they could ask the gym leader if they can use it. She then recalled that the water source was contaminated still so that wasn't going to help. They would need water in a desert city like this. She had little to no money so buying bottled water wasn't going to help. It would also be rude to ask one of these trainers if their pokemon could use watergun so that they could get a drink. I suppose if they got really desperate they could. For now she would follow the group.